中国山东省个体农户采用生态友好型土地管理实践 农户采纳决策影响因素的Logit分析外文翻译资料
2022-11-26 20:04:15
Adoption of eco-friendly soil-management practices by smallholder farmers in Shandong Province of China
Logit analysis of factors influencing farmers adopt decision making
1. Study area
Shandong Province is located on the eastern coast of China,with a total area of 137,800 km2 and 75,107.61 km2 cultivated area. It is located between 34°22rsquo; and 38°23rsquo;N and 114°19rsquo; and 122°43rsquo;E, in a temperate-zone monsoon climate with four distinctive seasons. Topographically the area is a plain with an average altitude of 57.6 m above mean sea level, and its annual temperature is 13.8°C with August as the hottest month (28.2°C) and January as the coldest month (minus;1.6°C). The annual precipitation is approximately 727.9 mm, and there is high rainfall from May to September. As a major agricultural province, this region has two main crops grown annually. Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays) are the two main crops, which are grown on 3,525,210 ha and 2,874,213 ha, respectively, followed by rice (Oryza sativa L., 130,694 ha), millet (Setaria italica, 15,168 ha) and Chinese sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, 6558 ha).
The total grain output in Shandong in 2013 was 45.28 Mt, which was the highest of all provinces in China. However, the increase in grain yield was highly dependent on extensive agricultural inputs. The amount of fertilizer applied reached 4.72 Mt, which was surpassed by only Henan Province (CSSB 2013). Farmland in Shandong is the worst in the entire countrybecause its soil mainly lacks nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), and land desertification is also a serious problem (Guo et al. 2007). As estimated, the amount and density of agricultural pollution in this region are very extensive, and soil loss due to chemical fertilizer is the major reason. Thus, it is urgent to encourage farmers in Shandong to adopt eco-friendly soilmanagement practices to ease these environmental issues.
2. Conceptual framework and empirical model
The conceptual framework in this paper is based on the conceptual models developed by Negatu and Parikh (1999)as a user-technique characteristic model. According to this model,the characteristics of a technology or practice and farmer perception of the characteristics play the central role in the adoption decision and diffusion process under agroecological, socio-economic and institutional contexts. The model also emphasizes the importance of the involvement of farmers in the technology development process and the roles of relevant policies and strategies in facilitating that involvement. Thus, factors affecting technology adoption in this study are170 grouped into farmer and farm household characteristics, farm biophysical characteristics, farm financial/management characteristics and social/institutional characteristics (Knowler and Bradshaw 2007).
The theory of the maximization of utility is applied to the adoption by a farmer of an advanced technology or practice(Sidibeacute; 2005). When the utility derived from a new technology exceeds that of the older one, a farmer will adopt the technology. According to Greiner et al.(2009) and Greiner and Gregg(2011), the motivations of farmers to adopt conservation practices include three types: conservation and lifestyle motivation, economic/financial motivation and social motivation. The goals of a farmer in China in adopting a new technology are mainly to earn high income or yield; thus, the utility in thisstudy is gaining more profit. The relationship between utility185 (Uij) and characteristics (Xi) affecting adoption for the ith farmer is as follows (Eq. 1):
Uij=Xialpha;j εij j {0,1} and i ={1, 2,3hellip;,n } (1)
where j indicates the adoption or non-adoption of the technology, and i indexes the factors affecting the adoption; (Uij)represents the utility the farmer obtains from the technology, and (Xi) represents a vector of the factors affecting the adoption. It is assumed that a farmer selected the agricultural technology that could bring him the largest utility, and the ith farmer could adopt the jth technology if Ui1 f Ui0; Bi indexes the adoption decision (Eq. 2):
The logical function is applied to model the dependent variable (Eq. 3), the parameters are estimated by the likelihood ratio test and the statistical analysis used is a binary logistic regression of SPSS 21.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) as follows:
where mu;i=εi1- εi0, and F(Xibeta;) is the cumulative density function for mu;i, P denotes the probability of the ith farmer to adopt the new technology, and beta; predicts the log odds of the dependent variable.
The model (Eq. 4) used to analyze the factors affecting the adoption of eco-friendly soil-management practices can be expressed as follows:
The independent variables representing the characteristics affecting the adoption of the practices can be found in Table 1.
Table 1.Definition of variables used in the logit model of adoption of eco-friendly soil-management technologies or practices in Shandong, China.
Variable Description of variable
Adoption of eco-friendly soil-management Dummy, 1 if adoption, 0 otherwise practices (ADOPTION)
Age (AGE) Continuous variable, year
Education (EDUCATION) Unordered categorical variable, less than elementary school = 1, elementary school = 2, junior middle school = 3, high school = 4, further education = 5
Awareness of farmland degradation (DEGRADATION)
Dummy, 1 if severe, 0 otherwise
Knowledge about environmental regulations (REGULATIONS)
Dummy, 1 if know, 0 otherwise
Risk type (RISK)
1 研究区域与农户调研
本研究利用最大效用理论来解释农民对农业新技术的采用决策,当采用新农业生产技术产生效用大于采用旧的农业生产技术时,农户会选择采纳新的农业生产技术。据Greiner等(2009, 2011), 农户采用保护性农业生产技术的动机包括保护生态环境、经济收益动机和社会动机。由于我国农户进行农业生产的主要动机是获取高的产量和收益,因此本研究最大效用即为收益最大。影响第i个农户采纳决策的效用()和影响因素特征()之间的关系如下:
Logical回归函数用来进行变量模型回归(3),模型系数有极大似然比检验来估计,二元Logit模型检验由SPSS21.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) 完成。
表6-3 模型中解释变量及其定义
Table 6-3 Definition of variable used in the Logit model of adoption of the eco-friendly soil management technologies or practices in Shandong, China
变量 |
变量定义 |
采纳决策 |
虚拟变量:采纳=1,否=0 |
年龄 |
连续变量,年 |
学历 |
无序分类变量:小学以下=1,小学=2,初中=3,高中=4,高中以上=5 |
土地退化认知 |
虚拟变量:严重=1,否=0 |
环保法规认知 |
虚拟变量:知道=1,否=0 |
风险类型 |
有序分类变量:风险规避型=1,风险适中型=2,风险偏好型=3 |
农业生产技术认知 |
虚拟变量:知道=1,否=0 |
采纳态度 |
虚拟变量:愿意=1,否=0 |
土壤肥力 |
有序分类变量:五分法,很贫瘠=1到很肥沃=5 |
耕地面积 |
连续变量,亩 |
家庭从事农业生产人口占比 |
连续变量,% |
农业收入占家庭总收入比重 |
连续变量,% |
农业资金可获得性 |
有序分类变量:五分法,很难=1到很容易=5 |
农业技术培训 |
虚拟变量:参加=1,否=0 |
农业生产信息可获得性 |
有序分类变量:五分法,很难=1到很容易=5 |
农业保险 |
虚拟变量:参加=1,否=0 |
对国家支持政策满意度 |
有序分类变量:五分法,很不满意=1到很满意=5 |
生态友好型生产技术收益 |
虚拟变量:收益较高=1,否=0 |
与其他农户交流情况 |
有序分类变量:五分法,从不交流=1到非常频繁=5 |
农业生产组织 |
虚拟变量:参加=1,否=0 |
表6-4 模型变量统计性描述和假设
Table 6-4 Descriptive statistics for the Logit model of adoption of the eco-friendly soil management technologies or practices in Shandong, China
变量 |
平均值 |
标准差 |
模型假设 |
0.21 |
0.41 |
农户特征影响因素 |
年龄AGE |
52.1 |
10.02 |
Negative |
2.67 |
0.96 |
Positive |
3.36 |
1.06 |
Positive |
0.39 |
0.49 |
Positive |
风险类型RISK |
2.41 |
0.68 |
Positive |
农业生产技术认知PERCEPTION |
0.78 |
0.42 |
Positive |
0.83 |
0.38 |
Positive |
农田特征影响因素 |
3.47 |
0.77 |
Negative |
耕地面积AREA |
5.97 |
4.78 |
Positive |
农业生产财政和管理因素 |
家庭从事农业生产人口占比LABOR |
0.57 |
0.25 |
Ambiguous |
农业收入占家庭总收入比重INCOME |
0.28 |
0.27 |
Positive |
农业资金可获得性FUND |
3.85 |
0.91 |
Positive |
社会政策因素 |
农业技术培训TRAINING |
0.27 |
0.45 |
Positive |
农业生产信息可获得性INFORMATION |
3.30 |
0.90 |
Positive |
0.49 |
0.50 |
Positive |
对国家支持政策满意度AID |
4.30 |
0.87 |
Positive |
生态友好型生产技术收益REVENUE |
0.63 |
0.48 |
Positive |
与其他农户交流情况INTERACTION |
2.84 |
1.00 |
Positive |
0.80 |
0.40 |
Positive |
农户特征影响因素主要包括年龄(AGE)、学历(EDUCATION)、土地退化认知(DEGRATION)、环保法规认知(REGULATIONS)、风险类型(RISK)、农业生产技术认知(PERCEPTION)和采纳态度(ATTITUDE)。由于年轻的、学历较高的农户年龄更容易接触了解新的农业生产技术,并把它应用于生产实践 [201],因此本研究假设年龄对采纳决策有负向影响,学历对采纳决策有正影响。由于农民如果意识到农田土壤退化会引起农产品产量下降和食品安全问题,土地退化认知对采纳决策有正向影响。Shiferaw和Hol