The role of china’s foreign direct investment in the Economic growth of Ethiopia——In the case of manufacturing industry sector开题报告
2020-08-07 21:04:08
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
1.1 objective
the central objective of thestudy is to analyse the long run effect of improved productivity of themanufacturing industry on the economy of ethiopia by using a simple regressionanalysis. the specific objective includes:
#216; toanalyse the role of china’s fdi on manufacturing sector in ethiopian gdp in thelast decade.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
2.1 organization of the paper
the organization of the paper is asfollows: chapter one presents the overall purpose of the study. the secondchapter reviews theoretical and empirical literatures on fdi. the third chaptergives an overview on the ethiopia economic. the fourth chapter gives a sight into china’s fdi in ethiopia. the fifth chapter introduces the data base andspecifies the theoretical framework for the regression analysis model used inthis study. the sixth chapter discusses the results and findings of the dynamicregression analysis models. the final chapter, chapter seven, concludes and providesimplications for the future research agenda.
2.2 table of contents
3. 研究计划与安排
3.time table
week1—-week2 confirmation of the topic and title.
week2--the commencement of opening report.
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
1.laura barauskaite [j] an analysis of foreign directinvestments: inflows and determinants; a study of the nordic and the balticcountries university of agder(2012)
2. selamawit berhe woldekidan “foreign direct investment andeconomic development in ethiopia” (cand.marc.) applied economics andfinance, copenhagen business school(2015) “ethiopia economic outlook 2016 the storybehind the numbers”(2016)