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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2023-02-12 12:14:36  


摘 要


本文先分析国内与国外关于高新技术企业资本结构的研究状况,接着界定高新技术的概念与高新技术企业的概念,最后总结出高新技术企业的发展特征和资本结构研究的理论基础。接着主要从科研技术、专用设备制造、信息技术、医药制造、通信设备这五个领域,选取我国 A 股市场 50家高新技术企业为研究对象,解释多元线性回归模型,并从宏观和微观两个方面选取盈利能力、资产担保价值、成长性、资产流动性这4个重要影响因素进行分析。然后构建本文的回归模型,运用SPSS软件进行资本结构的描述性统计,进行相关性检验,最后分析回归结果。




Research on The Influencing Factors of Capital Structure of High-tech enterprises


In the information age, high-tech enterprises are undoubtedly the darlings of the new era. But in the face of an unusually complex and volatile global economy, these companies are falling one by one, making it difficult for them to gain a firm foothold. It can be said that high-tech enterprises are the crown jewels of economic development, and their development and expansion is the top priority of China"s reform and opening-up in the 21st century. The information technology enterprises in the United States are the representatives of high-tech enterprises, which drive the rapid development of the American economy. Because the United States has a mature market-oriented financial system, high-tech enterprises are easier to obtain capital and have sufficient funds for research and development and production. Although China began to pay attention to the development of high-tech enterprises in the 1980s, its industrialization level is far from enough. Based on its characteristics of high investment, high risk, high growth and high return, our high-tech enterprises have many problems in innovation and capital. The capital structure is the skeleton of the company, which will affect the company"s decision-making and company value to a certain extent. There are many factors that have a comprehensive impact on the company"s structure, both inside and outside the company, so the research of the main elements affecting the capital structure can optimize the capital structure of high-tech enterprises, improve economic efficiency, and ensure the vigorous development of China"s high-tech enterprises.

The thesis analyzes the domestic and foreign research on the capital structure of high-tech enterprises in the first place, then defines the concept of high-tech and the concept of high-tech enterprises, and finally summarizes the development characteristics of high-tech enterprises and the theoretical basis of capital structure research. Then, mainly from the five fields of scientific research technology, special equipment manufacturing, information technology, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and communication equipment, 50 high-tech enterprises in the A-share market were selected as my subject investigated, explaining multiple linear regression models, and The microscopic aspects select four important influencing factors: profitability, asset guarantee value, growth, and asset liquidity. Then construct the regression model of this paper, use SPSS software to describe the capital structure, conduct correlation test, and finally analyze the regression results.

Through multiple regression analysis of four influencing factors, it is concluded that profitability is negatively correlated with the capital structure of high-tech enterprises, but the correlation is general; growth is positively related to the capital structure of high-tech enterprises and the value of asset guarantee is also positively correlated. However, the impact of both is weak; asset liquidity and the capital structure of high-tech enterprises show a significant negative correlation. In response to these results, the paper puts forward suggestions for optimizing the capital structure of high-tech enterprises in China.

The innovation of this paper is to select 50 high-tech enterprises from several new technology fields in the A-share market of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, and use the data of 2015-2017 three years to conduct empirical analysis of the factors affecting capital structure, and the capital structure of today"s high-tech enterprises. Optimization has certain guiding significance.

Keywords: High-tech enterprises; Capital structure; Multiple linear regression; Factor of the influence

目 录

摘 要


第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

1.2 研究的意义

1.3 相关概念界定

1.3.1 资本结构

1.3.2 高新技术

1.3.3 高新技术企业

1.4 研究内容及方法

1.5 论文框架

第二章 文献综述和相关理论

2.1 资本结构理论

2.2 国内外资本结构影响因素分析

2.2.1 国外资本结构影响因素分析

2.2.2 国内资本结构影响因素分析

2.3 文献评述

第三章 研究假设、数据来源及模型构建

3.1 研究假设

3.2 样本选取和数据来源

3.3 模型构建和变量设计

第四章 高新技术企业资本结构实证分析与结果

4.1 资本结构影响因素描述性统计

4.2 相关系数检验

4.3 回归结果分析

第五章 实证研究结果与展望

5.1 实证研究结果

5.2 优化高新技术企业资本结构的建议

致 谢


第一章 绪 论







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