2023-03-13 08:46:41
摘 要
Discussion on the Future of the Reform of Personal Income Tax in China
Personal income tax is a direct tax that tax on individuals (natural persons).The first personal income tax law of our country was born in 1980.In the past forty years, our country"s personal income tax has been revised and amended many times.In these processes, the reform has played a positive role in improving the financial income and adjusting the level of personal income.With the continuous development of reform and opening up, the continuous development of the national economy, the continuous improvement of the people"s income level, the income gap is also expanding.Personal income tax as an important means to adjust the income gap should advance with the times.
The ultimate direction of China"s tax reform is to gradually establish a comprehensive and classification of the tax system.In this mode, the individual"s income is calculated, reported to the tax authorities, the corresponding tax rate to calculate the amount of tax payable.Once the tax system is fully implemented, it is bound to produce a full range of impact.It will have a significant impact on individual tax collection and management, tax administration and tax collection and management of tax authorities.It will continue to increase the income of low-income people, to expand the proportion of middle-income people, further narrowing the income gap and promote social equity as well.
Keywords:Personal income tax;Reform direction;Comprehensive tax system;Fair
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究的意义 1
1.3 研究内容及方法 1
1.4 论文框架 2
第二章 相关文献综述 3
第三章 我国个人所得税的现状 5
3.1 我国个人所得税制度历史沿革 5
3.2 我国现存的个人所得税制 5
3.2.1 纳税单位 5
3.2.2 税制模式 5
3.2.3 税率 5
3.2.4 费用扣除标准 6
3.2.5 征管方式 7
3.3 我国个人所得税制度存在的问题 7
3.3.1 以个人为纳税单位,未考虑家庭的整体税收负担 7
3.3.2 分类税制模式不符合税收公平原则 7
3.3.3 税率结构复杂多样,存在明显不公平 8
3.3.4 费用扣除设计不科学、过于简单并且缺乏弹性 8
3.3.5 征管手段和技术落后,纳税人缺乏纳税意识 8
第四章 美国及香港地区个税制研究分析 9
4.1 美国现存的个人所得税制 9
4.1.1 纳税单位及税制模式 9
4.1.2 税率 9
4.1.3 费用扣除标准 9
4.1.4 申报方式与征管手段 10
4.2 香港地区的个人所得税制 10
4.2.1 税制模式 10
4.2.2 税率 10
4.2.3 税收政策的弹性 11
第五章 我国个人所得税制的改革方向 12
5.1 逐步建立以家庭为课税单位,实行分类与综合相结合的计征方式 12
5.2 简化税率结构,减少税率档次 12
5.3 科学设计费用扣除制度,扩大费用扣除范围 13
5.4 加强税收征管,推行信息化稽核系统 ..............................................................................................14
第六章 个税改革的方向在未来将产生的影响 15
6.1 个税改革对个人的影响 15
6.1.2 加重了个人自行申报的责任........................................................................................................15
6.1.3 缩小收入差距................................................................................................................................15
6.2 个税改革对企业税收管理的影响 16
6.2.1 降低企业负担.................................................................................................................................16
6.2.2 考验企业核算能力.........................................................................................................................16
6.3 个税改革对税务机关税收征管的影响................................................................................................16
6.3.1 强化个人纳税识别号制度的监管.............................................................................................16
6.3.2 提高税务机关征管的效率.........................................................................................................17
6.3.3 促进税务机关税收专业人才的培养.........................................................................................17
结 束 语.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
致 谢...........................................................................................................................................................19
第一章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景