2023-04-14 09:53:26
摘 要
2011年11月16日,税务总局印发《营业税改征增值税试点方案》,决定从2012 年1月1日起进行营业税改征增值税的试点,先在交通运输业、部分现代服务业等生产性服务业开展,逐步推广至其他行业,条件成熟时可选择部分行业在全国范围内进行全行业试点。交通运输业作为首先开展改革的试点行业,是继2009年全面实施增值税改革后的我国税制改革后的又一标志性事件,是一项重要的结构性减税措施,对交通运输业的影响极其重大。
Thinking about the VAT of transportation industry
On November 16, 2011,Administration of taxation issued the tax change paid VAT pilot program.It decide to use the VAT instead of business tax since January 1, 2012.First in the transportation industry and part of modern producer services to carry out ,gradually extended to other industries,When conditions are ripe, it will choose part of the industry on a national scale to carry out in the whole industry.Transportation industry carry out this reform firstly,it was one of iconic event in our Tax reform process since comprehensively implement VAT reform in 2009.The impact on the transportation industry is extremely important.
This paper’s main research problems is to analyses how about transportation industry to pay VAT ,make a summary and finishing about the determination of VAT sales taxes,income taxes,make a general legal principle analysis for VAT deduction chain .In addition ,come up with some suggestions about how about transportation industry to reply to pay VAT and avoid the risk of higher taxes ,encourage enterprises to cope with VAT better. Meanwhile ,after levying VAT,the tax accounting treatment is also different from when it levy Business tax ,the article also analyses about different situation .What’s more,thinking and put forward a proposal about the problem of pay VAT in transportation industry.This paper mainly take the method of the refer literature.Calculate the VAT.Taking Accounting Treatment.Thinking about the problem of how transportation industry impose the VAT.What’s more,pay attention to how to correctly deal with the VAT, do a good job in accounting treatment determine the risk in the transport enterprises, the adoption of countermeasures.
Keyword:Transportation industry; added-value tax;risk control;accounting treatment
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究的意义 1
1.3 研究思路及内容 1
1.4 论文框架 1
第二章 相关文献综述 2
2.1交通运输业征收增值税的必要性 2
2.2改征增值税后进项抵扣问题 2
2.3增值税专用发票开具管理问题 3
第三章 增值税一般法理分析 4
3.1 销项税率的确定 4
3.2 进项税率的认定 4
3.3 一般分析 4
第四章 交通运输业征收增值税的理论研究 6
4.1 交通运输业征收增值税的适用办法 6
4.1.1 一般纳税人与小规模纳税人的认定 6
4.1.2 税率的认定 6
4.1.3 增值税应纳税额的确定 6
4.2交通运输业如何应对征收增值税 7
4.2.1 健全会计核算,做好账务处理工作 7
4.2.2 核实固定资产,做好固定资产盘点工作 7
4.2.3 调整筹划思路,做好税收筹划工作 8
4.2.4 加强税法知识,争取税收优惠政策 9
4.3交通运输业征收增值税后的账务处理 9