2023-04-22 15:48:15
摘 要
China"s Real Estate Industry, The Phenomenon of Double TaxationPaper Title
In recent years, China"s real estate industry is in a state of rapid development, but the price is at a constant state of growth, the state of the rapid development of the real estate industry, the current real estate tax system has been unable to adapt to, and seriously affected the healthy development of China"s real estate industry .
China"s real estate tax system is very extensive, the real estate industry more than 10 kinds of taxes levied. The real estate tax accounted for a total tax revenues of local governments ¬ proportion exceed 40 percent. China"s current real estate tax system taxes a wide range of heavy tax burden. The tax rate is too low to maintain links levy narrower, and taxes on real estate development and transfer of part too high, leading to serious unfair taxation, and simply a heavy flow of light to maintain. "Also breed a lot of speculation sex buyers. rapid increase in speculative demand has increased the imbalance of supply and demand, which drives prices rise further. housing prices so that prices of other consumer goods are also rising, these problems led to China in recent years inflation has remained very high state, people"s living standards and quality is getting lower and lower. Thus, China"s real estate tax system needs urgent reform.
China"s real estate tax problems in many complex real estate tax taxable items, repeat or taxation and cross quite obvious and unreasonable tax basis, the relevant supporting system is imperfect. Therefore, this article focuses on one of the double taxation problem.
Keywords: Real estate; Double taxation; To replace business tax with value-added tax(VAT)
目 录
我国房地产行业的重复征税现象透析 I
摘 要 I
第一章: 绪 论 5
1.1 研究背景 5
1.3 研究的思路及内容 5
1.4 全文结构框架 5
第二章: 我国房地产行业存在的重复征税现象 6
2.1 房地产税制简介 6
2.2房地产各个阶段所涉及的税目 6
2.3房地产行业各环节的对各税种的课征依据分析 6
2.4 房地产税制重复征税的具体税目分析 7
2.4.1 营业税和土地增值税的重复征税 7
2.4.2 现行营业税本身存在着重复征税 8
2.4.3 营业税和增值税的重复征税 8
2.4.4 房产税与城镇土地使用税的重复征税 8
2.4.5契税与印花税 8
2.4.6房地产租赁中重复课税 9
2.5 重复征税给社会带来的影响 9
第三章: 如何合理解决房地产行业重复征税问题的探讨 10
3.1 国际上的房地产行业税制分析 10
3.1.1 美国房地产税制特点 10
3.1.2 日本房地产税制特点 10
3.1.3 新加坡房地产税制特点 10
3.2 对房地产行业税收改革的几点思考 11
3.2.1 停征房地产营业税、改革土地增值税 11
3.2.2 完善契税和印花税的税制 11
3.2.3 营业税改征增值税 11
3.2.4小结 12
第四章: 即将开展的对房地产行业的“营改增”能否缓解重复征税问题 13
4.1“营改增简介” 13
4.2 房地产行业税制“营改增”的必要性 13
4.3 我国房地产行业增值税和营业税的重复征税问题解析 14
4.3.1增值税和营业税重复征税 14
4.3.2增值税的税制模式能够更好地避免重复征税 14
4.3.3 案例分析 14
4.4小结 16
第五章: 结论 17
致 谢 18
参考文献(References) 19
第一章: 绪 论
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究的目的和意义