2020-04-24 10:19:39
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
3. 研究计划与安排
2017.12.15-shy;shy;2017.12.24 查阅资料,初步选题
2017.12.24shy;-2018.01.15 确定选题
2018.01.15-shy;shy;2018.02.20 完成论文提纲
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
[1]carlos f. alves cristina barbot. price discrimination strategies of low-cost carriers.journal of transport economics and policy, 2009
abstract: the low-costcarriers' (lccs) pricing system is characterised by a single class on bookingthat starts with a minimum fare and then monotonically increases its value overtime. this is a form of price discrimination although markets are notphysically or temporally separate. using game theory techniques, this papershows that this lo-hi (low first and later high) strategy is optimal undercertain ranges of fare. the paper also finds that the existence of differentprobabilities of consuming the good and of different willingness to pay makesit possible to separate markets in time and to profitably price discriminate.
[2]edgarjimenez,joatilde;oclaro,jorgepinho de sousa,richard de neufville. dynamic evolution of europeanairport systems in the context of low-cost carriers growth [j]. journal of airtransport management, 2017