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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 人力资源管理 > 正文


 2020-04-21 17:05:29  

摘 要



关键词:人工智能 饭店岗位 智能餐厅

Research on the post of a restaurant under the background of artificial intelligence


With the continuous development of artificial intelligence, intelligent black technology has begun to intervene in the catering industry, and the development of hotels has entered a new stage. Artificial intelligence makes restaurant posts have undergone tremendous changes. In the face of increasingly mature artificial intelligence, the original restaurant posts are facing new challenges, and the research and planning of posts are becoming more and more important. The transformation and development of traditional restaurants are also concerned.

This paper first analyses the current situation of restaurant development under the background of artificial intelligence and the impact of intelligent kitchen on Hotel employees. Secondly, taking a restaurant as the research object, this paper redefines the changes and specific positions of intelligent restaurant posts to help the development of intelligent restaurant and better standardized management of posts. Facts have proved that with the development of intelligent restaurants, the post structure of restaurants will inevitably undergo great changes, some simple labor force will be replaced, and the responsibilities and competencies of many posts will also change.Therefore, intelligent restaurants can no longer use the traditional restaurant recruitment method to recruit employees, but need to optimize the restaurant workflow, and redefine the competency requirements of employees to adapt to the development of intelligent restaurants.

Key words: Artificial intelligence; Restaurant post; Intelligent restaurant

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究的内容与意义 1

1.3论文框架 2

第二章 人工智能背景下饭店的发展现状 3

2.1人工智能发展趋势 3

2.2我国现阶段“人工智能 餐饮”的发展现状 3

2.3智能饭店的发展策略 4

2.4人工智能对饭店从业人员的影响 6

第三章 某饭店简介及现状分析 7

3.1某饭店智慧餐厅简介 7

3.2某饭店智慧餐厅的经营环境 7

3.3某饭店智慧餐厅组织结构 8

3.4某饭店智慧餐厅经营流程 9

第四章 人工智能背景下某饭店岗位的变化 11

4.1某饭店各岗位的变动情况 11

4.2某饭店岗位的职责转变 11

第五章 某饭店岗位的重新界定 13

5.1某饭店店长的岗位职责 13

5.2某饭店店长的任职资格 13

5.3某饭店店长的能力素质模型 15

结 语 20

参考文献 21





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