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毕业论文网 > 开题报告 > 管理学类 > 人力资源管理 > 正文


 2020-04-23 19:39:46  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

1.1 1.1研究背景


1.2 1.2研究目的与意义


2. 研究的基本内容与方案


2.1.1 基本内容:



3. 研究计划与安排

1. 3月12号 完成选题

2. 3月25号 上传开题报告

3. 4月30号 上传毕业论文初稿(阶段性成果/报告一)


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1]berkman lf.maintenanceof health,prevention of disease,a psychosocial perspective[j].vital health stat4,1988(25):39-55

[2]holmes gp,kaplan je,gantz nm,et al.chronic fatigue snydrome:a workingcase definition.ann intern med,1988,108(3):387-389.

abstract:thechronic epstein-barr virus syndrome is a poorly defined symptom complexcharacterized primarily by chronic or recurrent debilitating fatigue andvarious combinations of other symptoms, including sore throat, lymph node painand tenderness, headache, malign, and arthralgias. although the syndrome hasreceived recent attention, and has been diagnosed in many patients, the chronicepstein-barr virus syndrome has not been defined consistently. despite the nameof the syndrome, both the diagnostic value of epstein-barr virus serologictests and the proposed causal relationship between epstein-barr virus infectionand patients who have been diagnosed with the chronic epstein-barr virussyndrome remain doubtful. we propose a new name for the chronic epstein-barrvirus syndrome--the chronic fatigue syndrome--that more accurately describesthis symptom complex as a syndrome of unknown cause characterized primarily bychronic fatigue. we also present a working definition for the chronic fatiguesyndrome designed to improve the comparability and reproducibility of clinicalresearch and epidemiologic studies, and to provide a rational basis forevaluating patients who have chronic fatigue of undetermined cause.

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