2022-08-15 16:35:24
Web and social media usage by museums: Online value creation
Author:Antonio Padilla-Meleacute;ndez;Ana Rosa del Aacute;guila-Obra.
Resource:International Journal of Information Management.2013,892-898
This paper contributes to the understanding of online strategies in the context of museums as examples of cultural organisations, an underrepresented sector in the information management literature. It presents a theoretical framework for understanding the online strategies of museumsrsquo; use of Web and social media, their sources of online value (efficiency, novelty, lock-in, complementarities) and some measurements of Internet performance, such as the Alexa Internet ranking and the number of followers of museums in social media. This type of analysis has not been conducted before and the findings will help museum curators and managers of other cultural institutions to appreciate the impact of these technologies and to make better informed decisions regarding online strategies and resource allocation. In addition, the results of this research are applicable to similar organisations, such as archives and cultural exhibitions, as well as to other service organisations related to information, education and entertainment activities.
Keywords:Web usage、Social media usage、Online strategies Museums
The technological environment of cultural organisations has changed significantly in recent years, prompting these institutions to state their objectives more clearly to reach their social and eco- nomic outcomes and to consider new strategies (business models) (Bakhshi amp; Throsby, 2010). By analysing the use of Web and social media in the context of the online value creation framework of Amit and Zott (2001) and the strategy typology of Miles and Snow (1978), this paper contributes to the understanding of online strategies in the context of museums as examples of cultural organisations, an underrepresented sector in the information management, Informa- tion Technology (IT) and services literature.
The integration of IT, and particularly the Internet, into the con- sumption of cultural products has been identified as one of the most important trends in the cultural sector (Pulh, Marteaux, amp; Mencarelli, 2008). In the case of museums, as information resources become more technically complex and the users of those resources become more information-literate, the needs and expectations of museum visitors become increasingly sophisticated (Marty, 2008) and the use of the Internet plays a crucial role in meeting these expectations. The relevance of this online presence in museums (having a website on the Internet) for communicating and pre- serving cultural heritage was already recognised by the UNESCO Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage back in 2003. However, despite the seemingly omnipresent nature of the Internet in contemporary society, its adoption and reflection within heritage and museological methodologies remain partial and limited
Despite recognition of the relevance of this approach, little research has explored the possibilities arising from the use of the Internet (Web and social media), particularly in the case of muse- ums. Indeed, the role of technology and technological innovation in value creation has been studied outside the cultural sphere (Amit amp; Zott, 2001; Del Aacute;guila-Obra, Padilla-Meleacute;ndez, amp; Serarols-Tarreacute;s, 2007; Lee, 2001). However, research into online value creation in the not-for-profit (or non-profit) sector remains meagre, and there is an absence of any established methodology for analysing tech- nological innovation processes in the cultural sector . The introduction of multimedia information sys- tems, based on Web and social media use, enables museums to redesign traditional products and promote new cultural experi- ences by involving a worldwide network of potential visitors, who now take part in the production of the cultural service. Conse- quently, a proper understanding of how museum visitors use these digital museum resources in their daily lives is critical for the suc- cess of museums in the information age (Marty, 2008). In addition, the use-value of social media by museums (for both the muse- ums and the users) remains questionable, and more debate is needed (Kidd, 2011). Accordingly, this paper addresses four rel- evant research questions (RQs):
(RQ1) Does Web usage among museums explain different museum online strategies?
(RQ2) Does social media usage among museums explain different museum online strategies?
(RQ3) Does the combination of Web usage and social media usage among museums explain online value creation? And
(RQ4) Can the museumsrsquo; online strategies be categorised into three types, namely defender, analyser and prospector?.
The theoretical framework of this paper combines the value cre- ation framework (Amit amp; Zott, 2001) with the strategy typology of Miles and Snow (1978). The use of this strategic theoretical frame- work to characterise electronic commerce strategies is not new (see Apigian, Ragu-Nathan, amp; Ragu-Nathan, 2006). In light of this prece- dent, the main contribution of this paper is to present a theoretical framework for understanding the online strategies of museums. This framework will be constructed by analysing museumsrsquo; use of Web and social media, their sources of online value (efficiency, novelty, lock-in and complementarities) and some measurements of Internet performance, such as the Alexa Internet ranking and the number of followers of museums in social media. To the authorsrsquo; best knowledge, this type of analysis has not been conducted before. The findings may help museum curators and managers of other cultural institutions to address these technologies and to make better informed decisions regarding online strategies and r
- 文献综述
社交媒体被定义为“一组基于互联网的应用程序,它们建立在Web 2.0的思想和技术基础之上,允许用户生成内容的创建和交换”。自21世纪初以来,社交媒体网站一直被用来赋予博物馆一个可识别的面孔,作为其品牌活动的延伸,也是所谓的“博物馆2.0”的一种表现。
以前的文献强调了Web 2.0工具如何鼓励参与,同时促进对文化对象的访问,但是目录本身必须经历更深刻的变化,而不仅仅是在现有的结构、格式和词汇表上增加Web 2.0功能。总体而言,Web 2.0工具在博物馆网站上的使用率很低,而且在不同国家和类别之间,Web 2.0工具的使用存在显著差异。博物馆对社交媒体的使用被分为三个组织框架市场营销(提升机构形象)、包容性(发展真实在线社区)和协作性(超越沟通,促进与观众的协作)。事实上,社交媒体支持和促进病毒式营销,这有助于刺激消费者之间的口碑。例如,Facebook上的推荐可能会影响到无限多的人。因此,需要更新博物馆在社交媒体上的简介,并定期刺激用户之间的互动。
Miles and Snow的分类策略方法因其较强的理论导向性和可推广性,被广泛应用于不同行业。定义了三种战略组织类型:辩护者,分析者和勘探者。每种类型都有不同的技术、结构和流程配置来响应环境。这些作者还考虑了反应器策略,指的是存在不一致性的组织,并且不能像其他三个组织一样进行分类。
访问最多的博物馆 |
国家 |
2009年排名(百万现场访客) |
Alexa排名(2010年7月16日) |
社交媒体粉丝数(2010年7月16日) |
卢浮宫 |
法国 |
8.50 |
51,650 |
112,822 |
大英博物馆 |
英国 |
5.57 |
56,242 |
55,708 |
大都会艺术博物馆 |
美国 |
4.89 |
20,863 |
307,474 |
国家美术馆 |
英国 |
4.78 |
117,830 |
18,483 |
特现代美术馆 |
英国 |
4.75 |
26740 |
199,853 |
国家美术馆 |
美国 |
4.61 |
74,655 |
11,064 |
蓬皮杜中心 |
法国 |
3.53 |
90,974 |
46,255 |
奥赛博物馆 |
法国 |
3.02 |
151,762 |
11,607 |
普拉多博物馆 |
西班牙 |
2.76 |
134,243 |
136,471 |
国家博物馆 |
韩国 |
2.73 |
117,965 |
0 |
现代艺术博物馆 |
美国 |
2.67 |
18,779 |
650,402 |
台湾故宫博物馆 |
中国台湾 |
2.57 |
166455 |
0 |
冬宫博物馆 |
俄罗斯 |
2.43 |
128,550 |
0 |
东京国家博物馆 |
日本 |
2.27 |
133,345 |
0 |
维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆 |
英国 |
2.27 |
41,594 |
62,721 |
雷纳索非 |
西班牙 |
2.09 |
364,286 |
39,221 |
国家肖像画廊 |
英国 |
1.96 |
105,792 |
6784 |
芝加哥艺术学院 |
美国 |
1.85 |
92,867 |
52,650 |