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 2022-11-27 14:40:22  

An Overview of Servlet and JSP Technology

1.1 A Servletrsquo;s Job

Servlets are Java programs that run on Web or application servers, acting as a middle layer between request coming from Web browsers or other HTTP clients and databases or applications on the HTTP server. Their job is to perform the following tasks, as illustrated in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1

1.Read the explicit data sent by the client.

The end user normally enters this data in an HTML from on a Web page. However, the data could also come from an applet or a custom HTTP client program.

2.Read the implicit HTTP request data sent by the browser.

Figure1-1 shows a single arrow going from the client to the Web server(the layer where servlets and JSP execute), but there are really two varieties of data: the explicit data that the end user enters in a form and the behind-the-scenes HTTP information. Both varieties are critical. The HTTP information includes cookies, information about media types and compression schemes the browser understands, and so on.

3.Generate the results.

This process may require talking to a database, executing an RMI or EJB call, invoking a Web service, or computing the response directly. Your real data may be in a relational database. Fine. But your database probably doesnrsquo;t speak HTTP or return results in HTML, so the Web browser canrsquo;t talk directly to the database. Even if it could, for security reasons, you probably would not want it to. The same argument applies to most other applications. You need the Web middle layer to extract result inside a document.

4.Send the explicit data (i.e., the document) to the client.

This document can be sent in a variety of formats, including text (HTML or XML), binary (GIF images), or even a compressed format like gzip that is layered on top of some other underlying format. But, HTML is by far the most common, so an important servlet/JSP task is to wrap the results inside of HTML.

5.Send the implicit HTTP response data.

Figure1-1 shows a single arrow going from the Web middle layer (the servlet or JSP page) to the client. But, there are really two varieties of data sent: the document itself and the behind-the-scenes HTTP information. Again, both varieties are critical to effective development.Sending HTTP response data involves telling the browser or other client what type of document is being returned (e.g.,HTML), setting cookies and caching parameters, and other such tasks.

1.2 Why Build Web Pages Dynamically?

Many client requests can be satisfied by prebuilt documents, and the server would handle these requests without invoking servlets. In many cases, however, a static result is not sufficient, and a page needs to be generated for each request. There are a number of reasons why Web pages need to be built on-the-fly:

1.The Web page is based on data sent by the client.

For instance, the results page from search engines and other-confirmation pages at on-line stores are specific to particular user requests.You donrsquo;t know what to display until you read the data that the user submits. Just remember that the user submits two kinds of data: explicit (i.e., HTML from data) and the implicit( i.e., HTTP request headers). Either kind of input can be used to build the output page. In particular, it is quite common to build a user-specific page based on a cookie value.

2.The web page is derived from data that changes frequently.

If the page changes for every request, then you certainly need to build the response at request time. If it changes only periodically, however, you could do it two ways: you could periodically build a new Web pages on the server (independently of client requests), or you could wait and only build the page when the user requests it. The right approach depends on the situation, but sometimes it is more convenient to do the latter: wait for the user request. For example, a weather report or news headlines site might build the pages dynamically, perhaps returning a previously built page if that page is still up to date.

3.The Web page uses information from corporate databases or other server-side sources.

If the information is in the database, you need server-side processing even if the client is using dynamic Web content such as an applet. Imagine using an applet by itself for a search engine site:

“Downloading 50 terabyte applet, please wait!” Obviously, that is silly; you need to talk to the database. Going from the client to the Web tier to the database(a three-tier approach) instead of from an applet directly to the database (a two-tier approach) provides increased flexibility and security with little or no performance penalty. After all, the database call is usually the rate-limiting step, so going through the Web server does not slow things down. In fact, a three-tier approach is often faster because the middle tier can perform caching and connection pooling.

In principle, servlets are not restricted to Web or application servers that handle HTTP requests but can be used for other types of servers as well. For example, servlets could be embebed in FTP or mail servers to extend their functionality. And, a servlet API for SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) servers was recently standardized (see http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=116). In practice, however, this use of servlets has not caught on, and wersquo;ll only be discussing HTTP servlets.

1.3The Adventages of Servlets Over “Traditional” CGI

Java servlets are more efficient, easier to use,more powerful, more portable, safer and cheaper than traditional CGI and many alternative CGI-like technologies.


With traditional CGI, a new process is started for each HTTP request. If the CGI program itself is relatively short, the overhead of starting the process can dominate the execution time. With servlets, the Java virtu



1.1 Servlet的功能








这个过程可能需要访问数据库、执行RMI或EJB调用、调用Web 服务,或者直接计算得出对应的响应。实际的数据可能存储在关系型数据库中。但是该数据可能不理解HTTP,或者不能返回HTML形式的结果,所以Web浏览器不能直接与数据库进行会话。即使它能够做到这一点,为了安全上的考虑,我们也不希望让它这么做。对应大多数其他应用程序,也存在类似的问题。因此,我们需要Web中间层从HTTP流中提取输入数据,与应用程序会话,并将结果嵌入到文档中。













理论上讲,servlet并非只用于处理HTTP请求的Web服务器或应用服务器,它同样可以用于其他类型的服务器。例如,servlet能够嵌入到FTP或邮件服务器中,扩展它们的功能。而且,用于会话启动协议服务器的servletAPI最近已经标准化(参见http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=116)。但在实践中,servlet的这种用法尚不流行,在此,我们只论述HTTP Servlet。

1.3 Servlet相对于“传统”CGI的优点

和传统CGI及许多类CGI技术相比,Java Servlet更高效、更易用、更强大、更容易移植、更安全、也更廉价。




Servlet提供大量的基础构造,可以自动分析和解吗HTML的表单数据,读取和设置HTTP报头,处理cookie,跟踪会话,以及其他此类高级功能。而在CGI中,大部分工作都需要我们资金完成。另外,如果你已经了解了java编程语言,为什么还要学Perl呢?您已经承认应用Java技术编写的代码要比Visual Basic,Vbscript或C 编写的代码更可靠,且更易重用,为什么还有倒退回去选择那些语言来开发服务器端的程序呢?




Servlet使用Java编程语言,并且遵循标准的API。所有主要的Web服务器,实际上都直接或通过插件支持servlet。因此,为Macromedia JRun编写的servlet,可以不经过任何修改地在Apache Tomcat, Microsoft Internet Information Server, IBM WebSphere, iPlanet Enterprise Server, Oracle 9i AS或者StrNine WebStar上运行。他们是java 2平台企业版的一部分,所以对servlet的支持越来越普遍。





但是,使用servlet和JSP,他们能够从免费的服务器开始:Apache Tomcat。项目取得成功之后,他们可以转移到性能更高的、管理更容易,但需要付费的服务器。它们的servlet和JSP不需要小心编写。如果他们的项目变得更庞大,他们或许希望转移到分布式环境。没有问题:他们可以转而使用Macromedia JRun Professional,该服务器支持分布式应用。同样,他们的servlet 和JSP没有任何部分需要重写。如果项目变得极为强大,错综复杂,他们或许希望使用Enterprise JavaBean来封装他们的商业逻辑。因此,他们可以切换到BEA WebLogic或Oracle 9i AS。同样,不需要对servlet和JSP进行修改。最后,如果他们的项目变得更强大,他们或许将它从Linux转移到运行IBM WebSphere的IBM大型机上,他们依旧还是不需要坐出任何更改。



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