2021-12-12 13:40:39
摘 要
In recent years, with the rapid development of China's shipping industry, in order to meet the increasing needs of freight transport, ship tonnage has been increasing, ship size has been increasing. The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, is the golden section of the Yangtze River Trunk Line, 12.5 m after the completion of the deep water channel, shipping traffic has become more and more busy. On the one hand, the number of ships has increased, the tonnage of ships has increased, the size of ships has increased, the number of ships passing through the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge has increased; on the other hand, the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge has been built for a long time, compared with the increasing number of ships and the increasing size of ships, the risk and accident of ships touching the bridge are also increasing, which threaten the safety of bridges and navigation.
Further study on the capacity of single ship passing through the Nanjing Bridge is of great significance for ensuring the safe passage of ships through the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge. On the basis of analyzing the navigation environment of the Nanjing Bridge, the paper finds out the main factors that restrict the safe passage of ships through the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, according to the calculation model of the track width of the ship, the calculation model of the track width of the ship through the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is established, and then according to the regulations of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge made by the competent authority, find out the maximum size of a single ship passing the bridge.[1]
keywords:Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge,Navigable Environment,Model building,
Maximum navigable dimensions of a ship.
摘要 2
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 7
1.1选题目的 7
1.2选题意义 7
1.3 国内外研究现状 7
1.4 研究内容 8
1.4.1研究主要内容 8
1.4.2研究目标 8
1.4.3拟采用的技术方案及措施 8
第二章 通航环境及分析 10
2.1南京大桥概况 10
2.1.1桥梁的净空尺度 10
2.1.2导助航标志配布 11
2.1.3桥梁的相关管理办法 13
2.2水文与气象条件 14
2.2.1气温 14
2.2.2降水量 15
2.2.3雾及能见度 15
2.2.4流况 16
2.2.5水位 16
2.2.6风况 16
2.3船舶通过南京长江大桥的通航风险分析 16
2.3.1桥区事故原因分析 16
2.3.2水上交通安全因素分析 17
第三章 单船最大通过能力 18
3.1 净空宽度通过能力 18
3.1.1桥梁净空宽度规范性标准 19
3.1.2船舶漂移量及航迹带宽数学模型 21
3.1.3 桥梁净宽对船舶尺度的限制 22
3.1.4 最大船宽 23
3.2 净空高度通过能力 24
3.2.1 桥梁净空高度规范性标准 24
3.2.2 船舶通过能力分析 25
3.3 水深通过能力 27
3.3.1 桥梁水域水深规范性标准 27
3.3.2 船舶通过能力分析 29
3.4 弯曲半径通过能力 29
3.4.1 桥区水域弯曲半径规范性标准 29
3.4.2 船舶通过能力的分析 29
第四章研究结论与展望 30
4.1研究结论 30
4.2研究展望 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32
第一章 绪论
1.3 国内外研究现状
中外学术界部分人觉得船舶通航能力是一种交通方面的概念, 它通常被定义为在一个航道控制断面的狭窄航道、桥梁或堤坝断面上,在一个干旱期间能够双向通过的最大货物量,从年至年以吨计算,根据干旱期航道条件,它反映了该航道的货运量。 航道船舶通过管理能力主要是指在一定的航道船舶运行技术性能和一定的日常作业船舶运行组织管理方式的条件下,在白天、夜间、月份、年份或者某一段航行期间,货物或船舶至少可以通过某一段航道的一定吨位。[2]
在经过多年查阅大量国内外相关学术文献的研究基础上,国内外关于固定船舶通过航道能力的相关研究大多局限于从固定船舶领域的科学研究角度上来进行的研究,以固定船群为主要研究的对象,而船舶定性或定量的研究则被认为是固定船舶航道的一部分所固有的。 在一定时间、日间、夜间、月份、年份或航程内可容纳的船舶数量或可通航的货物或船舶吨位。 一些学者只研究了在一定尺度条件下的河道通过能力,如河道宽度。
1.4 研究内容