2021-03-30 20:16:35
摘 要
关键词: 珠江上游; 通航环境; 交通战备; 应急支援队伍
Pearl river water system including the upper, middle and lower reaches, the middle and lower reaches of waters, navigation environment condition is good, open coast belongs to the economic relatively developed area, and the pearl river upstream water narrow, navigation environment is poor, poor areas, the southwestern coast belongs to the relatively backward economic and military strategy abundant supplies, because of the navigation environment is bad, or even exist anywhere for phenomenon, makes the pearl river upstream shipping economy is not developed, directly affects the national economic development of southwest area, also is unable to meet the needs of the pearl river upstream traffic combat readiness. Pearl river upstream navigation conditions are the main materials by water southwest China to the question, to the pearl river upstream key shipping lanes are expected to break the shackles of the pearl river water transportation economic bottlenecks, will lead to the entire pearl river water system of shipping the rapid development of economy, the benefit of the pearl river upstream along the people, but also to meet the needs of the pearl river water system of military traffic combat readiness.
The research scope of this paper includes the southern line of the pearl river, from bai-nanning passage; The middle line of the pearl river, from the bridge of the hongshui river in the beipan river; The liujiang and liujiang section of the northern line of zhujiang river. First analyze the navigable environment present situation, draw lessons from domestic and foreign military logistics theory, the demand for the pearl river upstream combat readiness and implement degree has carried out in-depth study, main problems of mining block combat readiness requirements, and implement the pearl river upstream water transportation demand of combat readiness rationalization proposal.
Key Words:the pearl river upstream navigation environment traffic combat readiness emergency support team
目 录
1.1 研究的目的及意义................................................................................................................................................6
1.2 国内外军事后勤保障概述…………………………………………………………………………….8
2. 珠江上游交通战备要求及贯彻程度分析 11
2.1 航道战备要求及贯彻程度分析 11
2.2 港口战备要求及贯彻程度分析 14
2.3 大型民用船舶战备要求及贯彻程度分析 14
2.4 应急保障队伍建设战备要求及贯彻程度分析 15
3. 珠江上游军事交通战备信息化管理探索 17
3.1 信息化管理必要性 17
3.2 信息化管理内容及实现方法 17
3.3 地理信息系统与数据库 19
4.结论与建议 21
4.1 结论 21
4.2 建议 22
4.2.1 整治不能较好满足战备规模需求的航道 22
4.2.2 建立船闸联合调度系统 21
4.2.3 建设必要的战备码头设施 22
4.2.4 加大建设军事交通战备应急保障队伍的力度 23
4.2.5 建设军事交通战备信息化平台 24
1.1 研究的目的及意义
珠江,作为我国重要的水路运输大通道,流经滇、黔、桂、粤、湘、赣等多个省份,担负着重要的水路运输功能。同时,珠江在水路交通战备运输上占有重要的战略地位,是我国重要的交通战备通道和极端气候条件下的应急通道。珠江上游是我国大西南重要军事工业生产基地,储备有大量的军需战备物质,需要通过珠江水上运输来完成[1]。珠江是我国七大江河之一,珠江上游可以分为三部分,分别是珠江上游南线: 百色-南宁航段;珠江上游中线:北盘江的白层港-红水河的桥巩航段以及珠江上游北线:都柳江、柳江航段,如图1-1所示。珠江上游三线航道等级通常为III-V级,如图1-2所示[2]。