2020-06-09 22:40:26
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
[1] 李方,陈龙,杨波等. 粘胶废水处理工程实例[J].水处理技术,2008,34(7): 89#8212;91. [2] 张学富,韩东浩,徐锋军. 粘胶纤维生产废水处理工程设计实例[J].工业用水与废水,2012, 43(2):81-83. [3] 梁汀,陆冬平,胡邦等. 粘胶纤维废水处理厂工程设计[J].中国给水排水,2009,25(18):58#8212;64 [4] 姚立忱,王艺林,刘伟,等. 臭氧催化氧化技术深度处理煤气废水的实验研究[J]. 工业水处理. 2013(05): 50-52. [5] 朱秋实,陈进富,姜海洋,等. 臭氧催化氧化机理及其技术研究进展[J]. 化工进展. 2014(04): 1010-1014. [6] 黄河,鞠振宇,殷婷,等. 混凝-臭氧催化氧化联合工艺处理成品油洗舱废水[J]. 环境工程. 2010(05): 36-38. [7] 石枫华,马军. 臭氧化和臭氧催化氧化工艺的除污效能[J]. 中国给水排水. 2004(03): 1-4. [8] 李志远,韩洪军. 芬顿氧化#8212;混凝处理煤化工废水生化出水试验研究[J]. 给水排水. 2013(S1): 316-319. [9] 范树军,张焕彬,付建军. 铁炭微电解/Fenton氧化预处理高浓度煤化工废水的研究[J]. 工业水处理. 2010(08): 93-95. [10] 韩洪军,李慧强,杜茂安,等. 厌氧/好氧/生物脱氨工艺处理煤化工废水[J]. 中国给水排水. 2010(06): 75-77. [11] Altmann J, Ruhl A S, Zietzschmann F, et al. Direct comparison of ozonation and adsorption onto powdered activated carbon for micropollutant removal in advanced wastewater treatment[J]. WATER RESEARCH. 2014, 55: 185-193. [12] Shao D, Chu W, Li X, et al. Electrochemical oxidation of guaiacol to increase its biodegradability or just remove COD in terms of anodes and electrolytes[J]. RSC ADVANCES. 2016, 6(6): 4858-4866. [13] Esquivel K, Arriaga L G, Rodriguez F J, et al. Development of a TiO2 modified optical fiber electrode and its incorporation into a photoelectrochemical reactor for wastewater treatment[J]. WATER RESEARCH. 2009, 43(14): 3593-3603. [14] Dehouli H, Chedeville O, Cagnon B, et al. Influences of pH, temperature and activated carbon properties on the interaction ozone/activated carbon for a wastewater treatment process[J]. DESALINATION. 2010, 254(1-3): 12-16. [15] Li M, Zhao F, Sillanpaa M, et al. Electrochemical degradation of 2-diethylamino-6-methyl-4-hydroxypyrimidine using three-dimensional electrodes reactor with ceramic particle electrodes[J]. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY. 2015, 156(2): 588-595. [16] Wu W, Huang Z, Lim T. Recent development of mixed metal oxide anodes for electrochemical oxidation of organic pollutants in water[J]. APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL. 2014, 480: 58-78. [17] Cheng W, Yang M, Xie Y, et al. Enhancement of mineralization of metronidazole by the electro-Fenton process with a Ce/SnO2#8211;Sb coated titanium anode[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2013, 220: 214-220.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
1、2月10号至3月10号#8212;#8212;准备阶段 对相关文献进行翻译,并撰写实验计划和开题报告。
2、3月10号4月中旬#8212;#8212;实验阶段 学会水处理工艺的设计及组合。
分析废水经过各阶段的处理效果,考察废水处理效果,寻找最佳处理条件 3、4月中旬到5月中旬#8212;#8212;总结阶段 整理实验数据,撰写毕业论文。