2020-06-09 22:41:41
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
内容:(一)封面 (二)题目 (三)中外文摘要(中文在前,外文在后)及关键词 (四)目录 (五)正文 (六)注释 (七)主要参考文献 (八)致谢 要求:一、坚持理论联系实际 二、立论要科学,观点要创新 三、论据要翔实,论证要严密#160;
2. 参考文献
[1] 熊志波.铁基SCR脱硝催化剂改性研究[D].山东:山东大学,2013. [2] Xuesen Du, Xiang Gao, Yincheng Fu, Feng Gao, Zhongyang Luo, Kefa Cen.The co-effect of Sb and Nb on the SCR performance of the V2O5/TiO2 catalyst.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2012;368:406-412. [3] Huang J H, Tong Z Q, Huang Y, Zhang J F. Selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 at low temperatures over iron and manganese oxides supported on mesoporous silica. Applied Catalysis B:Environmental, 2008, 78: 309-314 [4 ] Wang J, He H, Feng Q C, Yu Y B, Yoshida K. Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with C3H6 over an Ag/Al2O3 catalyst with a small quantity of noble metal. Catalysis Today, 2004, 93-95: 783-789 [5] Zhang Z X, Chen M X, Shangguan W R. Low-temperature SCR of NO with propylene in excess oxygen over the Pt/TiO2 catalyst.Catalysis Communications,2009,10:1330-1333 [6] Tian L Q, Ye D Q, Liang H. Catalytic performance of a novel ceramic-supported vanadium oxide catalyst for NO reduction with NH3. Catalysis Today, 2003, 78: 159-170
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2、在广泛查阅资料的基础上,完善课题研究方案,完成外文翻译、文献综述和开题报告等工作, 3、进行课题的实验、设计、调研及结果的处理与分析等,完成毕业设计说明书或论文写作,进行毕业设计(论文)的审阅和修改完善。