2020-06-26 19:48:46
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
[1]Lim S H, Hudson S M. Review of Chitosan and Its Derivatives as Antimicrobial Agents and Their Uses as Textile Chemicals[J]. Polymer Review, 2003, 43(2): 223-269. [2]Hoppe S F. Ueber Chitin and Cellulose[J]. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, 1894, 27(3): 3329-3331. [3]Azofeifa D E, Arguedas H J, Vargas W E, et al. Optical Properties of Chitin and Chitosan Biopolymers with Application to Structural Color Analysis[J]. Optical Materials, 2012, 35(2): 175-183. [4]Goy R C, Britto D D, Assis O B, et al. A Review of the Antimicrobial Activity of Chitosan[J]. Pol#237;meros, 2009, 19(3): 241-247. [5]董炎明, 毛微. 甲壳素化学及应用[J]. 大学化学, 2005, 20(2): 27-32. [6]Rouget C. Des substances amylac#233;es dans des animaux, sp#233;cialement des Articul#233; (chitine)[J]. Compte Rendus 1859, 48(3): 792-795. [7 Nemtsev S V, Zueva O Y, Khismatullin M R, et al. Isolation of Chitin and Chitosan from Honeybees[J]. Appl Biochem Microbiol, 2004, 40(1): 39-43. [8]Mourya V K, Inamdar N N. Chitosan-modifications and Applications: Oppor- tunities Galore[J]. React Funct Poly, 2008, 68(6): 1013-1051.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 备 注 201803.02-201803.22 查阅国内外有关文献,做文献综述;拟定实验方案。
201803.31-2018.05.20 按照实验要求进行各种实验工作。
201805.20-201806.01 进行实验数据的处理,补充有关实验,开始撰写论文。