2020-04-29 19:56:55
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
[1] Collins M N, Birkinshaw C. Hyaluronic acid based scaffolds for tissue engineering#8212;A review[J]. Carbohydrate polymers, 2013, 92(2): 1262-1279. [2] Burdick JA and Murphy WL. Moving from static to dynamic complexity in hydrogel design. Nat Commun. 2012;3:1269. [3] Hariawala MD, Horowitz JR, Esakof D, Sheriff DD, Walter DH, Keyt B, Isner JM, Symes JF. VEGF improves myocardial blood #64258;ow but produces EDRF-mediated hypotension in porcine hearts. J Surg Res. 1996;63(1):77-82. [4] Pescosolido L, Schuurman W, Malda J, et al. Hyaluronic acid and dextran-based semi-IPN hydrogels as biomaterials for bioprinting[J]. Biomacromolecules, 2011, 12(5): 1831-1838 [5] Hong L, Shen M, Fang J, et al. Hyaluronic acid (HA)-based hydrogels for full-thickness wound repairing and skin regeneration[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2018, 29(9): 150. [6] Matsumura K, NakajimaN, Sugai H, Hyon SH. Self-degradation of tissue adhesive based on oxidized dextran and poly-L-lysine. Carbohyd Polym. 2014;113:32-38. [7] Kogan G, 妎lt閟 L, Stern R, Gemeiner P. Hyaluronic acid: a natural biopolymer with a broad range of biomedical and industrial applications. Biotechnol Lett. 2007;29(1):17-25. [8] Zhu J, Li F, Wang X, et al. Hyaluronic acid and polyethylene glycol hybrid hydrogel encapsulating nanogel with hemostasis and sustainable antibacterial property for wound healing[J]. ACS applied materials interfaces, 2018, 10(16): 13304-13316. [9] McGlohorn JB, Grimes LW, Webster SS, Burg KJL. Characterization of cellular carriers for use in injectable tissue-engineering composites. [J] Biomed Mater Res 2003;66A:441#8211;9. [10] Elisseeff J, McIntosh W, Anseth K, Riley S, Ragan P, Langer R. Photoencapsulation of chondrocytes in poly(ethylene oxide)-based semi-interpenetrating networks. [J] Biomed Mater Res 2000;51(2):164#8211;71.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
1. 2018.12-2019.1 文献调研及路线设计; 2. 2019.2-2019.6 实验合成及工艺路线优化; 3. 2019.6 数据整理及论文写作。
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