2020-06-14 16:23:58
摘 要
关键词:木质素 漆酶 灰盖鬼伞 共培养 染料脱色
To improve the Laccase ability of Coprinopsis cinerea by fungal coculture
Laccase is an extremely important hydrolytic enzyme in the process of lignin degradation, and has a good decolorization effect on phenolic dyes. The early reasearch of the group found that Coprinus cinereus can rapidly grow in solid state fermentation using rice straw as the unique substrate, and detected the activity of laccase. This paper intends to adopt co-culture technology to improve the ability of Coprinus cinereus laccase activity. Firstly examined the secretion ability of laccase which belong to Coprinus cinereus and Phanerochaete chrysosporium in different fermentation conditions. The results showed that only when adding straw in the medium could induce laccase production;then try to firgue out whether mixed culture can have effect on laccase activity and optimized the inoculation time, and found that when Coprinus cinereus grow 2 days and inoculated into Phanerochaete chrysosporium, the enzyme activity can increased from 477.6U to 592.2U. That Phanerochaete chrysosporium may have a certain role in promoting the Coprinus cinereus laccase secretion ability. It indicated that Phanerochaete chrysosporium may have a positive effect on promoting the Coprinus cinereus laccase secretion ability. The results showed that the crude enzyme fluid can have a best effect on the decolorization of three kinds of dyes under the condition of low concentration and adding ABTS. This paper provides some references for the discovery and efficient production of fungal laccase.
Keywords: lignin;bacterial laccase; Coprinopsis cinerea ; coculture; dye decolorization
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2漆酶简介 1
1.3灰盖鬼伞简介 3
1.4黄孢原毛平革菌简介 4
1.5真菌共培养 4
1.6研究意义 5
1.7研究内容 5
第二章 材料与方法 7
2.1 实验材料 7
2.1.1试验菌株 7
2.1.2 培养基 7
2.1.3主要实验试剂及配制 7
2.1.4 主要实验仪器 8
2.2 实验方法 8
2.2.1单菌培养 8
2.2.2稻草秸秆的预处理 9
2.2.3灰盖鬼伞和黄孢原毛平革菌的拮抗实验 9
2.2.4混菌共培养 9
2.2.5漆酶脱色实验 10
2.3漆酶的酶活测定 10
第三章 结果与讨论 11
3.1 单菌纯培养的漆酶酶活 11
3.1.1灰盖鬼伞纯培养漆酶酶活 11
3.1.2黄孢原毛平革菌纯培养漆酶酶活 11
3.2灰盖鬼伞和黄孢原毛平革菌的拮抗实验 12
3.3 共培养的漆酶酶活 12
3.4 漆酶的染料脱色 14
3.4.1漆酶在不同浓度染料下的脱色效果 14
3.4.2 ABTS氧化还原介体对漆酶处理染料脱色的影响 16
第四章 结论 19
4.1 结果 19
4.2 不足与展望 19
参考文献 20
致谢 23
第一章 文献综述
漆酶是是结合多个铜离子的酶,可以催化各种各样的酚类化合物的氧化物。在真菌界,尤其是在担子菌里较广泛。在有ABTS等适当介质时,漆酶的底物范围可以扩展到无酚化合物,多环芳烃和染料污染物。它是一种典型的绿色催化剂。因此,漆酶被广泛应用在有机合成,木基材料生产、工业废水解毒和除草剂或杀虫剂消除等生物技术领域[1]。秸秆这种农副产品被普遍使用,用量很大。我国和很多国家一样有丰富的秸秆来源。木质素属于可再生芳香族,可制作生物燃料和高附加值化学品[2]。木质素约占木质纤维素类生物质原料干基重量的15%-40%[3]。木质素很稳定,自然降解慢。秸秆细胞壁的主要成分是木质素, 一般微生物很难降解。 所以秸秆大多被堆积、烧荒处理,不仅造成浪费,且对环境不利[4]。