2020-05-31 20:38:32
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
自1962 年,日本提出了功能性食品的概念后,受到了世界各国的普遍重视,对其的研究与开发相当迅速,逐渐成为当今世界饮食工业发展的新潮流。
2. 参考文献
1.Jensen SO and Reeves PO. Domain organisation in phosphomannose isomerases (types I and II). Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 1998, 1382(1):5-7. 2.Cleasby A, Wonacott A, Skarzynski T, et al., The x-ray crystal structure of phosphomannose isomerase from Candida albicans at 1.7 ?resolution. Nat. Struct. Biol., 1996, 3(5):470. 3.Roux C, Gresh N, Perera LE, et al., Binding of 5-phospho-D-arabinonohydroxamate and 5-phospho-D-arabinonate inhibitors to zinc phosphomannose isomerase from Candida albicans studied by polarizable molecular mechanics and quantum mechanics. J. Comput. Chem., 2007, 28(5):938-957. 4.Wills EA, Roberts IS, Del Poeta M, et al., Identification and characterization of the Cryptococcus neoformans phosphomannose isomerase encoding gene, Man1, and its impact on pathogenicity. Mol. Microbiol., 2001, 40(3):610-620. 5.Proudfoot AEI, Turcatti G, Wells TNC, et al., Purification cDNA cloning and heterologous expression of human phosphomannose isomerase. Biochemistry, 1994, 219(1-2):415.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2016.10.10?016.10.29 确定论文题目、填写任务书 2016.10.30--2016.11.6 毕业设计(论文)任务书及进度表 2016.11.7--2016.12.6 查找资料、写开题报告 2016.12.7--2017.1.12 初步实验及验证 2017.3.1--2017.3.30 完善实验、数据处理 2017.4.1--2017.4.15 论文写作 2017.4.16--2017.4.25 完成论文初稿交老师批阅 2017.4.26--2017.5.15 论文修改 2017.5.16?017.6.1 论文答辩准备
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