2020-06-02 19:51:26
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
抗性淀粉不能在小肠中被消化吸收以及提供葡萄糖, 但在大肠中可被发酵, 产生短链脂肪酸, 具有膳食纤维的功能。并且抗性淀粉本身几乎不含热量,因而此利用抗性淀粉为原料加工成食品, 可有效控制体重, 同时抗性淀粉还具有降低血液中的血糖含量以及防治糖尿病的功效 。挤压膨化加工技术在食品生产中已经得到了比较普遍的应用,本课题通过研究抗性淀粉挤压膨化过程中物料水分含量、螺杆转速和模头温度等因素, 分析各因素对膨化产品的抗性淀粉含量、膨化度的影响,并将制备的抗性淀粉用于中国传统面制品--面条中,研究抗性淀粉对面条品质、口感的影响。
2. 参考文献
[1]Sajilata M G, Singhal R S, Kulkarni P R. Resistant starch-A review[J]. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety,2006,5(1): 1-17
[2]Englyst H N, Cummings J H. Digestion of the polysaccharides of some cereal food in the human small intestine[J]. A. M. J. Clin Nutr, 1985, 42(5): 778-787
[3]Englyst H N, Kingman S M, Cummings J H. Classification and measureme of nutritionally important starch fraction[J]. Clin Nutr, 1992, 46(2):333-350
[4]Fcohberg C, Quanz M, Use of linear Poly-Alpha-1, 4-Glucans as resistant starch: USA, US, 20080247297 A1 [P]. 2008 - 10 - 09
[5]Mermelstein N H. Analyzing for Resistant Starch [J]. Food Technology, 2009, 63(4):80
[8]Bustos M C, Perez G T, Leon A E. Sensory and nutritional attributes of fibre-enriched passta [J]. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2011, 44(6): 1429-1434
[9]Aravind N, Sissons M, Fellows C M, Blazek j, Gilbert E P. Optimisation of resistant starch Ⅱand Ⅲ levels in durum wheat pasta to reduce in vitro digestibility while maintaining processing and sensory characteristics[J]. Food Chemistry,2013, 136(2): 1100-1109.
[2]Englyst H N, Cummings J H. Digestion of the polysaccharides of some cereal food in the human small intestine[J]. A. M. J. Clin Nutr, 1985, 42(5): 778-787
[3]Englyst H N, Kingman S M, Cummings J H. Classification and measureme of nutritionally important starch fraction[J]. Clin Nutr, 1992, 46(2):333-350
[4]Fcohberg C, Quanz M, Use of linear Poly-Alpha-1, 4-Glucans as resistant starch: USA, US, 20080247297 A1 [P]. 2008 - 10 - 09
[5]Mermelstein N H. Analyzing for Resistant Starch [J]. Food Technology, 2009, 63(4):80
[8]Bustos M C, Perez G T, Leon A E. Sensory and nutritional attributes of fibre-enriched passta [J]. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2011, 44(6): 1429-1434
[9]Aravind N, Sissons M, Fellows C M, Blazek j, Gilbert E P. Optimisation of resistant starch Ⅱand Ⅲ levels in durum wheat pasta to reduce in vitro digestibility while maintaining processing and sensory characteristics[J]. Food Chemistry,2013, 136(2): 1100-1109.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2016.12.1-2015.2.28 查阅文献、写开题报告
2017.3.1-2017.3.6 确定实验方案、准备实验材料
2017.3.7-2017.6.1 实验阶段 2
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