2020-06-24 19:47:44
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
论文内容 本研究以毕赤酵母为研究对象,采用分子克隆技术,构建α-糖苷酶重组质粒,表达产酶并对其酶学性质研究。
论文要求 (1)掌握文献查阅的一般方法,学会在中国期刊网、web of science科学引文索引、springer link电子期刊、elsevier sdos电子期刊等检索资源上查阅关于α-糖苷酶研究的相关文献,并对酵母表达系统有全面了解。
2. 参考文献
[1] 胡学智, 武雯. 葡萄糖苷转移酶生产菌种的筛选[J]. 工业微生物, 1998(1):1-6. [2] Kita A, Matsui H, Somoto A, et al. Substrate Specificity and Subsite Affinities of Crystalline α-Glucosidase from Aspergillus niger[J]. Journal of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan, 2014, 55(9):2327-2335 [3] 藤井聪, 山村健一郎, 富冈靖行等. 精糖技术研究会志, 1996 , 44:51-57. [4] Bradley M. Krohn, Dr. James A. Lindsay. Purification, characterization, and comparison of an α -glucosidase (endo-oligo-1, 4-glucosidase) from the mesophile Bacillus subtilis, and the obligate thermophile Bacillus caldolyticus[J]. Current Microbiology, 1991, 22(2):133-140. [5] Degnan B A, Macfarlane G T. Synthesis and activity of α-glucosidase produced by Bifidobacterium pseudolongum[J]. Current Microbiology, 1994, 29(1):43-47. [6] Piller K, Daniel R M, Petach H H. Properties and stabilization of an extracellular alpha-glucosidase from the extremely thermophilic archaebacteria Thermococcus strain AN1: enzyme activity at 130 degrees C.[M]// Essays on Old Testament history and religion /. Doubleday, 1996:197-205. [7] Krohn B M, Lindsay J A. Purification and characterization of a thermostable α-glucosidase from a Bacillus subtilis, high-temperature growth transformant[J]. Current Microbiology, 1991, 22(5):273-278. [8] Lobov S V, Kasai R, Ohtani K, et al. Enzymic Production of Sweet Stevioside Derivatives: Transglucosylation by Glucosidases[J]. Journal of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan, 1991, 55(12):2959. [9] Holla W, Becker G, Stahl W, et al. Method for a beta-galactosidase catalyzed transglycosilation with non-physiological glycosyl-donors: EP, EP0551107[P]. 1993. [10] Xiong A S, Yao Q H, Peng R H, etal. High level expression of a synthetic gene encoding Peniophora lycii phytase in methy lotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris[J]. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2006, 72 (5): 1039-1047. [11] 克拉克, 顾红雅, 瞿礼嘉,等. 植物分子生物学:实验手册[M]. 高等教育出版社:海德堡:施普林格出版社, 1998.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2018.2.26-2018.3.2 做预实验,给后期实验提供指导意义; 2018.3.3-2018.3.9 查阅文献,并结合预实验结果分析,设计合理实验方案; 2018.3.10-2018.5.4 将α-糖苷酶重组质粒导入到毕赤酵母中,表达产酶,纯化 2018.5.5-2018.5.31 研究α-糖苷酶的酶学性质,同时及时整理、分析实验数据; 2018.6.1-2018.6.15 及时撰写毕业论文。