2021-12-23 21:27:40
1. 1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容、要求、设计方案、规划等
前言: 综述国内外多孔菌药理作用(尤其是抗氧化活性)、主要活性成分及测定方法,了解抗氧化体外活性评价常用方法,秀丽线虫抗氧化评价方法的应用现状,比较各自的优缺点。
2. 参考文献(不低于12篇)
[1]pannakal st, et al. 2017. longevity effect of apolysaccharide from chlorophytum borivilianum on caenorhabditis elegans andsaccharomyces cerevisiae. plos one 12: e0179813.
[2]xu j, guo y, sui t, wang q, zhang y, zhang r, wang m, guan s,wang l. 2017. molecular mechanisms of anti-oxidant and anti-aging effectsinduced by convallatoxin in caenorhabditis elegans. free radic res 51: 529-544.
[3]zhang w, lv t, li m, wu q, yang l, liu h, sun d, sun l,zhuang z, wang d. 2013. beneficial effects of wheat gluten hydrolysate toextend lifespan and induce stress resistance in nematode caenorhabditiselegans. plos one 8: e74553.