2021-12-23 21:27:46
1. 1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容、要求、设计方案、规划等
前言: 综述大盖小皮伞的研究概况,特别是活性物质的研究及开发进展;介绍降血糖筛选常用方法,国内外食药用物降血糖活性及主要活性成分方面的研究现状及分析。
2. 参考文献(不低于12篇)
[1] horibey, et al. 2017. alpha-glucosidase inhibitor use is associated with decreasedcolorectal neoplasia risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus receivingcolonoscopy: a retrospective study. oncotarget 8: 97862-97870.
[2] meenasn, majik ms, ghadi sc, tilve sg. 2017. quick identification of piperidinealkaloid from roots of grewia nervosa and their glucosidase inhibitoryactivity. chem biodivers.
[3] proencac, freitas m, ribeiro d, oliveira eft, sousa jlc, tome sm, ramos mj, silva ams,fernandes pa, fernandes e. 2017. alpha-glucosidase inhibition by flavonoids: anin vitro and in silico structure-activity relationship study. j enzyme inhibmed chem 32: 1216-1228.