2022-12-20 10:28:50
摘 要
Investigation and optimization design of bus lines and stations in the direct management area of Jiangbei new area—— laopukou District
Urban traffic problems are becoming more and more grievous, not only because of the acceleration of urbanization, but also because of the increasing number of private cars. It has become a research hotspot both here and abroad to solve or alleviate urban traffic problems by giving priority to the development of public transport. As the basic component and infrastructure of mass transit, mass transit lines and stops have an important impact on the operation efficiency of public transport.
This paper first investigates the bus lines and stations in the area directly under the administration of Jiangbei new area (laopukou District) through the field survey and network resources; secondly, according to the information obtained, analyzes the existing issues of the bus lines or stops according to the evaluation indexes of the relevant line network; then makes adjustments to the bus lines and stations, including: adjusting the line direction and adding the bus lines Finally, the bus line network and stations are evaluated by using the coverage rate, line network density, non-linear coefficient and other indicators.
This paper give a certain reference value for the study of public transport network and stations, and provide practical guidance for the development of public transport in Jiangbei new area.
Key words: Jiangbei new area; public transportation network; public transportation station; optimized design; scheme evaluation
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 概述 4
1.1背景意义 4
1.2 国内外研究现状 4
1.3 主要研究内容 5
1.4 技术路线 5
第二章 公交线路及场站优化方法 7
2.1 公交线路优化影响因素 7
2.2 公交线网优化常用技术方法 7
2.3 公交场站优化影响因素 9
2.4 公交场站优化常用技术方法 9
第三章 江北新区直管区(老浦口)公交线路及场站现状调查 12
3.1 江北新区直管区(老浦口区)发展现状 12
3.2 江北新区直管区(老浦口区)公交线路及场站现状调查 14
第四章 江北新区直管区(老浦口)公交线路及场站优化设计 30
4.1 江北新区直管区(老浦口区)公交线路优化设计 30
4.1.1 优化设计参考指标 30
4.1.2 线网优化设计 32
4.2 江北新区直管区(老浦口区)公交场站优化设计 34
第五章 公交线路及场站优化设计评价 37
5.1 评价指标体系 37
5.2 江北新区直管区(老浦口区)公交线路及场站优化设计评价 37
第六章 结论与展望 39
致谢 40
参考文献 41
第一章 概述
在城市经济持续发展的状况下,城市交通状况日渐紧张,影响着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高。江北新区,江苏第一个国家级新区,是江苏 “一带一路”、长三角一体化、长江金融发展带三大国家战略机会建设的重要着力点,分步建设成立自主创新导向区、新型城镇化实验区、长三角地带当代产业集聚区、长江经济带与外界合作双赢的主要平台,在江苏省越江发展、长江城市群建设中体现着强大的引导力。近年来,随着城区空间不断拓展和城市居民收入水平不断提升,江北新区居民出行距离和小汽车保有量持续增加,高峰时段中心城区道路交通拥堵现象渐成常态。由于动静态交通系统供需失衡,新区面对着交通阻塞、停车困难和环境污染等一系列困难,私家车出行和公共交通出行方式间的竞争进入关键时期。如果缺乏高品质的公交供给,将会诱发更多的私人小汽车出行,不仅城市组团间的道路交通将会难以承载,还会加剧城市环境污染。