2021-03-10 23:26:54
摘 要
Based on this new online course orientation particularity of educational products, based on the online course development process and pricing strategy of Internet information, close comparison of educational products online and offline, using methods for pricing financial products to the e-quantitative evaluation of comprehensive benefit of input-output. User experience and user needs as the core of quantifying pricing factors, from the network of producers and consumers from two angles, respectively, to consider how to improve the user experience in order to increase the efficiency of products, build effective pricing model for online course development and operation of collaborative science.
Based on applied research, some new ideas, and reached the following conclusions in the study:
(1) there are some of the drawbacks of traditional education can be made up in the online course, instructional design and innovation of development for an online course developer on the premise and guarantee the teaching quality of content, enhance the efficiency of utilization of Internet information resources and has profound significance.
(2) how to enhance the quality of service in the information age has become an important factor Gets a willingness to spend. User experience in the operation of the network course assessment is directly related to their preferences. NET pricing benefits not only to analyze the input or output, and should consider environmental factors. Taking into account market demand, user demand and potential demand..
(3) application of quantitative methods to the user experience evaluation factors identified to build pricing models in favour of increasing operational effectiveness, although only assumes that the objective conditions of relative efficiency scores and points to this as other factors change change of input and output, but for comparison between the different online courses have some reference value.
(4) pricing for network development and operation of collaborative online network analysis can help to make full use of information resources. Meanwhile, increased network education in China is still in the development stage, under the situation of market pricing standard specification, these research strategies to ensure the quality of network education, maintenance of net price stability are of reference value.
Key Words:curriculum development service operations; user experience; information products pricing
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2文献综述 1
1.3研究目的 1
1.4 研究思路 2
1.5创新点 2
第2章 相关理论基础 3
2.1网络课程理论基础 3
,2.2 教学系统设计理论基础 3
第3章 互联网市场经济下网课运营的必要性分析 4
3.1 信息时代下网络课程的潜在市场分析 4
3.2互联网市场需求现状 5
3.3 互联网线上网课与传统线下教育课程的比较分析 6
3.3.1理论分析 6
3.3.2 实例分析 6
第4章 互联网课程开发运营协同定价模型构建 8
4.1 网课开发的影响因子分析 8
4.1.1 问卷设计 8
4.2.2 定量分析 8
4.2 网课运营中用户体验评价标准 11
4.3 网课开发运营定价方法建立分析 15
4.3.1免费定价法 15
4.3.2单一定价法 16
4.3.3版本差别定价法 17
4.3.4捆绑定价法 19
第5章 结论 21
参考文献 22
致谢 24
第1章 绪论
目前来说,我国互联网信息产品定价并没有完全标准的行业规范。但随着经济发展和市场需求量扩大,网络课程的定价开始有迹可循。由于网络课程的信息化特殊性,研究重点更过偏向于用户的消费体验。国内学术研究体验经济和体验营销的方向,主要参考1998 年 Pine 和 Gilmore 在《哈佛商业评论》上发表的《欢迎进入体验经济》及 1999 年两人出版的著作《体验经济》[1]。 目前研究的内容主要集中在体验经济的内涵及本质、体验经济时代的营销模式与策略、体验营销策略与模式等。受 Pine 和 Gilmore 对体验经济描述的影响,陶岚(2015)认为体验经济是一种独立的产业 ,与传统服务经济相区别的是强调个性化、 顾客参与和即时设计与生产。体验经济时代,体验将取代商品和服务成为社会主要的消费品[1]。