2021-10-11 19:43:57
摘 要
关键词:数字货币;权益化 ;商业模式;交易平台;
In the wave of the worldwide Internet, digital currency fades gradually into people's vision. From the first coins -- bitcoin to present an array of counterfeit digital currency, the research of digital currency based on block chain technique has been in continuous development. Facing to the chance and the challenge, the Chinese government began the further research of digital currency with the policy nature in 2014. The development of digital currency is playing a very important role in the worldwide finance. Therefore, the research of digital currency has become a very important topic and even an eager task.
In simply level, this graduation design analyses the pivotal technique of the digital currency -- block chain technique, the characteristic of the digital currency, the legal issues digital currency faced and so on. In addition, emphasis will be placed in the business model research of rights and interests transformation for the digital currency and the development of online transactional platform, the invisible, virtual digital currency will be given stock’s function, making some sense of interest community to form consistent price expectations[1] and bring common endogenous economic power, so then promote the business activities and lay the foundation for the spread of the digital currency and its subsequent power, let more people come into contact with the digital currency.
Key Words:digital currency; rights and interests; business model; transactional platform;
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2目的及意义 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 1
1.4国内外研究现状 2
1.4.1国内研究现状 2
1.4.2国外研究现状 3
第2章 数字货币研究 6
2.1数字货币的关键技术——区块链技术 6
2.1.1区块链技术 6
2.1.2区块链的特点 8
2.2数字货币面临的法律问题 9
第3章 商业模式研究 11
3.1盈利模式研究 11
3.2运营模式研究 12
3.2.1参与主体 12
3.2.2运营与推广 12
第4章 数字货币交易平台开发 14
4.1可行性分析 14
4.2需求分析 14
4.2.1系统功能分析 14
4.2.2安全性分析 15
4.3总体设计 15
4.3.1系统流程图 15
4.3.2数据库设计 16
4.3.3模块设计 17
4.4详细设计 17
4.4.1前台设计 17
4.4.2后台设计 29
4.5编码设计 33
4.5.1编码风格设计 33
4.5.2编码思想设计 33
第5章 结论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
附 录 37
附录A 数据库表结构 37
附录B 核心代码 42
第1章 绪论
随着国家经济发展和相关政策的调整,熟悉数字货币的群众不再只是集中在北上广深,更是辐射到了全国范围内的各个城市。数字货币作为一个新生的互联网事物,在去中心化,,信誉机制,管理,防伪等方面表现优异,还能提高投资和交易的效率,提升经济活动的便捷性和透明度[1]。但同时数字货币钱包的瓶颈却暴露出越来越多的缺点,首先是技术的不成熟导致成本效率发展不协调;其次,存在本地钱包当中的数据文件容易丢失和遗忘:英国《卫报》报道称,一名男子因为误扔了一个存有比特币数据的硬盘而永久丢失了7500个比特币 [2] ,类似事件频频发生;即便是随着第三方平台的可信度提高,币民将自己的数字货币交由平台进行统一保管,这也只是让人为的失误风险转换为互联网安全风险,但风险性依然存在。因此,数字货币互联网平台的风险控制和安全监管变得不容小觑。