2022-11-24 14:50:49
Marco Vivarelli
Abstract: In this paper the theoretical literature on the quantitative and qualitative employment impact of technological change is critically discussed and the relative explanatory power of the competing economic theories assessed.
Keywords:Technology, Innovation, Employment, Skill-biased Technological Change
- Introduction
The relationship between technology and employment is a“classical issue” (see Section 3) and the debate about the possible occurrence of “technological unemployment” cyclically re-emerges in ages of radical technological changes such as the currentone. In particular, nowadays the main questions are: which is the role of technology and innovation in explaining the long-term deindustrialization of the economies? Is innovation skill-biased and so one of the mainculprits of the revealed increasing trends in wage and income inequalities? Are these effects limited to the rich countries or are they diffusing in to the developing countries (DCs)?
Indeed, one of the main drivers of the long-term deindustrialization trend in developed countries is the revealed productivity gap between manufacturing and services (see Rowthorn and Ramaswamy, 1997 and 1999; Rowthorn and Coutts, 2004; Kollmeyer, 2009); in turn, technological change is singled out as the main determinant of those productivity improvements which entail job losses in manufacturing and so a declining share of industrial employees in total employment.
However, in the last decades, the diffusion of a new“technological paradigm” (see Dosi, 1982; 1988) based on the ICTs (the so-called“new economy”) has involved - on the one hand - the diffusion of possible laborsaving effects in the service sectors (seeEvangelista, 2000; Evangelista and Savona, 2002 and 2003; Evangelista and Vezzani, 2012) and - on the other hand - the occurrence of deindustrialization in some DCs as well, at least in terms of industrial employmentfigures in middle income DCs (see Dasgupta and Singh, 2006; Tregenna, 2011).
Finally, as already mentioned, beyond the quantitativeeffect of new technologies on the number of employees, the qualitativeeffect of technological change on the different categories of workers has to be taken into account: the basic intuition here is that current innovations are skillbiased, therefore replacing tasks traditionally carried out by unskilled workers with new jobs demanding qualified workers.
This paper will be devoted to discuss, from a theoretical point of view, the possible labor-saving and skill-biased impact of technological change, focusing particular attentionto the market mechanisms which can play a role in shaping the final outcome in terms of labor demand, both from a quantitative and a qualitative point of view. In more detail, Section 2 will be devoted to an introductory discussion of the process which starts from the innovative investment and develops into the innovation output withits possible impact on the demand for labor; Section 3 will focus on the economic theory put forward by classical and modern economists for giving account of the employment impact of technological change; Section 4 will discuss how wage flexibility can (or cannot) respond to the insurgence of“technological unemployment”; Section5 will dealwith skill-biased technological change, while the conclusive Section 6 willsummarize the main outcomes of this study and discuss some policy implications. While this paper will be mainly devoted to a macroeconomic analysis, the reader interested into the microeconomic aspects of the relationship between technology and employment can refer to Piva and Vivarelli (2004; 2005) and Bogliacino et al.(2012).
2. Multi-Faceted Innovation and Employment
Two are the main sources of innovation: on the one hand the Ramp;D investment; on the other hand, the so-called“embodied technological change”.
Ramp;D expenditures are considered as the main innovative input in the approach originally proposed by Griliches (1979) pointing to the concept of the “Knowledge Production Function” (KPF) as being a feasible tool for describing the transformation process that runs from innovative
inputs to innovative outputs. Indeed, a vast literature has identified a strong and significant link between Ramp;D investment, innovation and ultimately productivity gains, demonstrating that Ramp;D is a main driver of technological progress both at the macro, sectoral and micro level (for an articulated model, see Crepon et al.1998; for comprehensive surveys on this topic, see Mairesse and Sassenou, 1991; Griliches, 1995and 2000; Mairesse and Mohnen, 2001 and – more recent – Hall et al.2009)
However, the innovation literature suggests that only complex product innovation(mainly delivered by large firms in high-tech sectors) relies on formal Ramp;D: for instance Conte and Vivarelli (2005) and Parisi et al.(2006) found robust and significant evidence that Ramp;D increases the likelihood of introducing product innovation.
On the other hand, process innovation- where it is not so easy to single out pure innovation, diffusion and imitation - is much more related to “embodied technical change” (ETC) acquired by investment in new machinery and equipment and through the purchasing of external technology incorporated in licenses, consultancies and know-how (Freeman, 1982). Indeed, the embodied nature of technological progress and the effects related to its spread in the economy were originally theoretically discussed by Salter (1960; see also Solow, 1960 and Jorgenson, 1966); later, vintage capitalmodels have been put forward to describe how the replacement of old equipment is the main way through which firms introduce process innovation (see Clark, 198
Marco Vivarelli
- 介绍
制造业和服务业(见Rowthorn和纳玛斯旺,1997年和1999; Rowthorn和库茨,2004; Kollmeyer,2009年);反过来,技术变化被挑出的那些生产力的主要决定因素改进,意味着制造业就业损失等等下降份额在总就业人数的工业从业人员。
然而,在过去的几十年中,一个新的扩散“技术新;范式“基于信息通信技术(即所谓的(1988看多西,1982)”经济“)已经参与 - 一方面是 - 在服务行业可能省力的效果(见杰利斯塔,2000扩散;杰利斯塔和萨沃纳,2002年和2003;斯塔和Vezzani,2012)和 - 另一方面 - 在若干个DC非工业化的发生为好,至少在中等收入的DC产业的就业数据范围(见
达斯古普塔和辛格,2006; Tregenna,2011年)。
- 多方面的创新和就业
研发支出被认为是主要的创新投入指着最初由Griliches(1979)提出的方法“知识生产函数”(KPF)的概念,作为一个可行工具介绍,从创新运行的转变过程投入产出的创新。事实上,大量的文献已经确定了强和R&D投资,创新和最终的显著联系生产率的提高,这表明R&D是技术主要动力进度无论是在宏观,行业和微观层面(用于铰接式模型,看到克雷蓬等1998;关于这一主题的综合调查,看到Mairesse和Sassenou,1991; Griliches,1995年和2000年; Mairesse和Mohnen,2001年和 - 最近 - 霍尔等al.2009)
另一方面,过程创新 - 它是不那么容易单出的纯创新,扩散和模仿 - 是更相关“体现的技术变革”(ETC)通过新的投资收购机械设备,并通过外部采购技术许可,顾问成立和诀窍(弗里曼,1982)。事实上,技术进步的本质体现和经济有关其传播效果最初由索尔特(1960年从理论上讨论;也见索洛,1960年和乔根森,1966);后来,老式资本模型已经被提出描述更换旧设备如何通过的主要途径该公司引进工艺创新(见克拉克,1987年;bull;胡尔腾,1992;Greenwood等al.1997; Hercowitz,1998;向山,2006)。
最后,部门和微观的研究表明,R&D是在大型企业的关键,更先进的部门,同时体现技术变革假定中小企业多起主导作用传统行业(见帕维特,1984; AC和Audretsch1990; Audretsch和Vivarelli,1996;布劳威尔和Kleinknecht,1996;康特和Vivarelli,2005年)。
进而关注本文的主要问题,这是就业流程和产品创新的影响? 这些是表示在图1的右侧面板:一方面,过程创新创造的直接省力的效果,主要涉及到引进的机器,允许以产生相同量的用更少的工人输出;在另一方面,产品创新蕴涵创造就业机会,通过新市场的出现效果。
在当前的辩论中,各种研究(Freeman等al.1982;弗里曼和休特,1987; Freeman和休特,1994; Vivarelli等al.1996; Vivarelli和皮安塔,2000; Edquist等。 2001; Bogliacino和皮安塔,2010)认为,产品创新对就业产生积极的影响,因为他们打开顺便要么整个新货或主差异化发展成熟的商品。产品创新的“劳动亲切自然”原来是是在行业进行的实证研究尤为明显和企业层面(参见,例如,Entorf和Pohlmeier,1990年,布劳威尔等。1993; Antonucci和皮安塔,2002;彼得斯,2004; Harrison等,2008;Mastrostefano和皮安塔,2009; Bogliacino和Vivarelli,2012)
这个问题稍微复杂一些的表现呈现长期来看,随着劳动力和资本,可变生产要素。因此,在下面的教科书图3,我们有一个等产量(一个水平曲线表示不同的技术可能性,以产生相同的输出量)与劳动和资本投入。给定一个成本线表明劳动力和资本成本方面的限制,达到利润最大化的平衡在哪里等成本是相切最高等产量线(E)。在这种情况下 - 从充分就业开始E平衡 - 在一个给定的输出量()有充分潜在的资本()和劳动力()- 技术变革允许的产量线朝向原点偏移(如在短期情况下,同输出的量是不可再现的劳动和资本)较低量。在工资(W)和利息(R)的利率相同的水平,新的平衡转移到E,需要投入新水平的和,可以看出现在是技术进步的直接影响(技术失业)。
然而,由于其本身的开始,经济理论指出走出经济力量的存在,可以弥补减少就业,由于技术的进步。实际上,在时间古典经济学家,两种观点开始在评估竞争技术就业的影响:使用里卡多的话来说,“打工仔意见“的特点是被驳回,因为怕创新(里卡多,1821,p.392),而学术和政治辩论主要是占主导地位由事前信心的市场补偿被解雇的工人。讽刺的是,在此期间,英国工人在Ned Ludd的魅力的领袖下摧毁机器(见霍布斯鲍姆,1968;霍布斯鲍姆粗暴,1969年),经济纪律力图澄清有关技术可能产生有害的影响所有问题进步,严谨,反直观和“科学”的理论的基础上。
触发不同的市场赔偿机制技术变革本身并能抵消初始省力工艺创新影响(广泛的分析,也见Vivarelli,1995年。图2和3;佩蒂特,1995年; Vivarelli和皮安塔,2000年,第一章。2;皮安塔,2005;科德和Rao,2011年)。
在一方面,工艺创新涉及职工的位移;另一方面,这些创新本身导致减少单位生产成本和 - 在一个竞争的市场 - 这种效应被翻译为降低价格;反过来,价格下跌刺激了新的需求产品等额外的生产和就业。这种机制是在经济思想史上的最开始单挑(斯图尔特,1767年,vol.II,第256页)。
补偿机制“通过价格下降”已被改变用途的新古典主义多次在经济思想双方的历史(见庇古,1920,p.672)和现代经济学家(见尼尔里,1981;斯通曼,1983年,皲裂。 11和12;大厅和赫弗南,1985;多布斯等。1987;尼克尔和地区,1989年;斯莫尔尼,1998; Harrison等。 2008年)。
在当今世界,竞争趋同不是瞬时的,这是观察到,在成本的减少之间的间隙期间 - 由于技术进步 - 以及随之而来的价格下跌,额外利润可能由创新精神的企业家进行累积。这些利润投资所以新作品和新的就业机会被创建。最初提出的里卡多(1821,p.396),这一主张也得到了类似马歇尔(1890,p.542) - 新古典主义和最近的动态模型提出了所谓如那些由希克斯(1973)和斯通曼(1983,第177-81)。的作用在促进就业发展滞后创新在被调查
微观经济层面由Van Reenen(1997)和Lachenmaier和Rottmann(2011年)。
到了近代,工资调整是局部的一个组成部分均衡模型如由尼尔里(1981)和辛克莱(1981)和一般均衡分析,如那些由莱亚德和尼克尔(1985)维纳布尔斯(1985),雷亚德等。 (1991年,1994年),戴维斯(1998年)和艾迪生和特谢拉(2001年)。
- 除了少数例外(参见希克斯,1973年),如今这种补偿机制不再提出。事实上,这个马克思主义的批判机制尤为尖锐:“......机器只能使用有利可图,如果......是少得多的男人(年度)的产品比它取代“。(马克思,1905年至1910年,p.552)