2023-01-29 13:04:36
摘 要
中国是一个拥有着 13 亿人口的大国,而农业作为第一产业,更是把握着国家的命脉,不仅承担着维持国计民生的重要职责,而且也是国民经济建设与发展的基础。随着改革开放的逐步扩大,中国农业出口产值也在不停的增长,尤其是近些年来,随着中国对外贸易开放水平和人民生活水平的不断提高,中国农产品贸易发展更为迅速。但与此同时,农产品的国际贸易竞争也日益激烈,中国的农产品出口也面临着愈发严峻的挑战。
“一带一路”倡议是习近平总书记在访问哈萨克斯坦时的演讲中提出的,其内容涵盖东南亚经济整合以及东北亚经济整合,并且最终融合在一起通往欧洲,形成整合欧亚大陆经济的大趋势。“一带一路”的存在给中国农产品的对外出口贸易带来了全新的机遇。它不仅开拓沿线国家的贸易市场,还能够起到促进国际农产品合作 ,提供运输保障等作用,为中国农产品出口贸易保驾护航,对中国农产品出口贸易行业的发展起到积极的促进作用。
The Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on China"s Agricultural Products Export Trade
China is a 1 billion 300 million population, and agriculture as the primary industry, is holding the lifeline of the country, not only bear the important responsibility of maintaining the foundation but also beneficial to the people"s livelihood, construction and development of the national economy. With the gradual expansion of reform and opening up, China"s agricultural export output value is also growing. Especially in recent years, with the continuous improvement of China"s opening level of foreign trade and people"s living standards, China"s agricultural trade has developed more rapidly. But at the same time, the international trade competition of agricultural products is becoming increasingly fierce, and China"s agricultural exports are also facing more and more severe challenges.
The “Belt and Road Initiative” was proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his visit to Kazakhstan. His strategy covers economic integration in Southeast Asia, covers economic integration in Northeast Asia, and eventually merges into Europe to form a large economic integration in Eurasia. trend. The existence of “One Belt, One Road” has brought new opportunities to the export trade of Chinese agricultural products. It not only opens up the trade market of countries along the route, but also plays a role in promoting international agricultural product cooperation and providing transportation security. It plays an important role in the export trade of Chinese agricultural products and plays a positive role in China"s agricultural export trade.
China"s agricultural products export trade under the background of “Belt and Road” faces many problems. On the one hand, many European and American countries have resisted the export of Chinese agricultural products and set up various trade barriers. On the other hand, there are also low added value in China"s agricultural products. Production technology is backward, research and innovation capabilities are poor and so on. However, by adopting positive and effective measures, such as increasing production capacity, promoting cross-border e-commerce, and increasing investment in research and innovation, these problems have not been resolved. It is believed that only taking the initiative and actively taking action and firmly grasping the one-to-one opportunity of the One Belt and One Road will lead to a new development of China"s agricultural export trade.
Keywords: Belt and Road; Agricultural exports; International cooperation; Cross-border e-commerce;Processing of agricultural products
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 1
1.3 文献综述 1
1.4 研究内容和方法 3
1.5 技术路线 3
第二章 一带一路背景下中国农产品出口贸易面临的问题 5
2.1 中国农产品国际贸易长期处于逆差 5
2.2 中国农产品出口经常遭遇贸易壁垒 6
2.3 中国农产品出口市场高度集中 7
第三章 一带一路背景下中国农产品出口贸易出现问题的原因 8
3.1 中国农产品附加值较低 8
3.2 中国农产品生产技术落后 8
3.3 中国农产品生产科技创新人才缺乏 9
3.4 中国农产品的食品安全受到质疑 9
3.5 中国农产品的出口运输存在问题 9
3.5.1 全程冷链运输 9
3.5.2 二次包装/二次加工问题 10
3.5.3 保险/售后服务问题 10
第四章 一带一路给中国农产品出口贸易带来的机遇 11
4.1 有利于开拓一带一路沿线国家的市场, 扩大农产品出口规模 11
4.2 一带一路提出了“五通”战略构想 12
4.2.1 加强政策相通 12
4.2.2 加强道路相通 12
4.2.3 加强贸易相通 12
4.2.4 加强货币相通 12
4.2.5 加强民心相通 12
4.3一带一路促进了国际产能合作 12
第五章 一带一路背景下促进中国农产品出口贸易的对策 14
5.1 打造深加工农产品 14
5.1.1 加强政策对农产品加工的扶持 14
5.1.2 优化产业结构 14
5.2 开展农产品跨境电子商务合作 15
5.3 建立现代企业制度 15
5.4 构建网络信息平台 15
5.5 实现农产品优势互补 15
5.6 加强对生产技术的支持 16
第六章 结语 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
第一章 绪论
- 研究背景
2013 年 9 月,习近平总书记在访问哈萨克斯坦时发表讲话,提出了共同建设 “丝绸之路经济带”的倡议。同年10月,习近平总书记又提出了共建“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的倡议,二者合称“一带一路”(The Belt and Road,Bamp;R)。“一带一路”的出现,给中国农产品出口贸易带来了前所未有的巨大机遇。虽然中国历来是农业大国,但并非是农业强国。实际上,近十几年中国农产品净出口额都处于贸易逆差状态,并且还在持续增长。与此同时,在内部中国出口农产品组成单一,在外部欧美国家又设下了严格的农产品贸易壁垒,这势必会阻碍中国农产品出口贸易的发展。研究分析“一带一路”对中国农产品出口贸易的影响,对于促进中国农产品出口贸易的蓬勃发展具有重要的实践意义。
- 研究目的和意义
1.2.1 研究目的