2023-04-04 11:17:05
摘 要
Jiangsu logistics industry under the strategic of Belt and Road development research
It is well known that high-profile drive to build the silk road economic belt and the 21st century the vision and action of the Marine silk road "already release time. Its policy and its influence scope covers including xinjiang, shaanxi, gansu, ningxia, qinghai, Inner Mongolia, such as the six northwestern provinces, heilongjiang, jilin, liaoning and other three provinces of northeast, southwest guangxi, yunnan, Tibet and other three provinces, Shanghai, fujian, guangdong, zhejiang, hainan province, the hinterland is chongqing, henan. Obviously, "One Belt And One Road radiation range does not include" jiangsu province, it is not only an opportunity for the jiangsu province, is also a challenge. Since there is no policy coverage, jiangsu business want to directly fit into the influence of "area" is very difficult, but, in the jiangsu as its focus if it contains some of the important cities into contact, and indirectly, the use of "area" all the way to develop their economy, and promote the development of small and medium-sized cities along the way.
Therefore, with the rapid development of China"s economy, "One Belt And One Road" and so on to promote the establishment of policy, the development of the logistics industry, how to use the environment to raise their aroused people"s wide attention.
First of all, want to strengthen the contact with important provinces of jiangsu, must first strengthen the transportation system between them. In the "area", although policy does not cover, but in space, the silk road economic belt and the 21st century maritime silk road intersection in lianyungang city in jiangsu province, therefore, lianyungang economic belt east bridgehead, the silk road in contact all the way "area" of jiangsu province has important strategic significance. Jiangsu should focus on the perfect lianyungang to central Asia, lianyungang to European railway express, strengthened and taicang, lianyungang port has international trade transfer function of comprehensive transportation system.
This paper from the perspective of the development of the regional logistics industry in jiangsu, the related industry development strategy, emerge from the environment, and point out the significance and role of these strategies.
Keywords: Silk road economic belt and the 21st century the vision and action of the Marine silk road; Place economy; Logistics industry
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 研究思路及内容 1
1.4 论文框架 1
第二章 文献综述 2.3.4
第三章 一带一路 5
3.1 一带一路的实质 5
3.1.2 一带一路的影响范围 5
3.1.3 一带一路的作用 5
3.2 一带一路对江苏经济的影响 5
3.2.1 江苏经济现存问题 5
3.2.2 一带一路对经济带动转变 5
3.3 一带一路对江苏物流的影响 6
3.2.1 一带一路对物流趋势的指向性作用 6
3.2.2 一带一路对物流部门的促进 6
3.2.3 一带一路对物流企业的影响 6
3.4 本章小结 7
第四章 江苏物流的现状 8
4.1 江苏物流概况 8
4.2 江苏物流优势 8
4.3 江苏物流存在的问题 9
4.3.1外界环境的影响 9
4.3.2 物流企业自身的不足 9
4.3.3 其他方面不利的影响 9
4.4 本章小结 9.10
第五章 江苏物流业的发展 11
5.1 物流企业内部的改革 11
5.2物流业发展的重点 11
5.3 其他方面的发展 11
5.4 物流体系的变化 11
5.5 相关法律的保证 11.12
5.6 人才的培养 12
5.7 政策的扶持 12
第六章 结论 13
致 谢 14
参考文献(References) 15
第一章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景