2021-10-22 21:49:24
摘 要
In nowadays, China has also been performing the coordinated development of financial innovation and scientific and technological innovation. Drawing on the characteristics and advantages of developed markets, China has adopted a number of innovative actions to vigorously promote the renovation of the capital market in China, aiming to make the capital market more mature, more international, better serve the real economy, and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of the country. The scientific and technological innovation board is a "test field" of capital market reform on the original basis. From a macro view, the opening of the Sci-Tech innovation board is a major deployment to implement the strategy of strengthening the country through science and technology and driving innovation.
Based on the research of Chinese and foreign scholars on the renovation of the capital market, this paper compares the current situation of the capital market at home and abroad, and makes an in-depth analysis based on the significant event of the opening of the scientific and technological innovation board. And using the event study method, through empirical data to study the impact of science and technology innovation board on the stock price in special areas, so as to measure the role of science and technology innovation board in China's capital market.According to the results, the development of the capital market will be promoted in the short run, but the effect is not remarkable. The impact of the opening of the scientific and technological innovation board needs to be further improved in the long term.
In addition, from the perspectives of marketization, legalization, regulatory reform and risk management, this paper analyzes the bottlenecks and deficiencies encountered in the process of capital market reform, points out the problems in the process of renovation in the aspects of market structure improvement, effective play of systematic functions, improvement of risk management ability and regulatory system reform, and accordingly puts forward the corresponding suggestions The purpose of sexual strategic thinking is to promote the healthy development of capital market.
Key Words:capital market reform;STAR Market;event research method
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 文献综述 1
1.3 创新之处 2
第2章 资本市场现状 3
2.1 市场结构不尽完善 3
2.1.1 对中小企业帮扶不彻底 4
2.1.2 部分市场交易不活跃、市场效率低 4
2.1.3 市场结构矛盾严重 4
2.2 风控能力亟待提高 4
2.2.1 关于金融风险缺乏意识 5
2.2.2 信息不对称问题严重 5
2.3 监管力度仍需加大 5
2.3.1 监管结构存在的问题 5
2.3.2 监管机构无实权 6
2.3.3 法治化有待加强 6
2.4 国内、外资本市场对比 6
第3章 以科创板开板为例的深度分析 8
3.1 科创板开板事件简述 8
3.2 科创板制度创新 9
3.2.1 以注册制取代核准制 9
3.2.2 特殊股权结构制度 9
3.2.3 减少股票交易限制 10
3.2.4 严格的退市制度 10
3.3 科创板开板重大意义 10
3.4 科创板运行存在的问题 11
3.4.1 示范效应发挥不足 11
3.4.2 影响力较弱 11
3.4.3 逆向选择与道德风险 12
第4章 科创板开板对股价影响的实证模型构建 13
4.1 研究方法 13
4.1.1 事件选择 13
4.1.2 样本股票选择 13
4.2 研究设计 13
4.2.1 研究数据及特征指标 13
4.2.2 模型建立 14
第5章 科创板开板对股价影响的实证分析 17
5.1 时序图分析 17
5.1.1 时序图结果 17
5.1.2 时序图解释 18
5.2 显著性检验 19
5.2.1 检验结果 19
5.2.2 结果解释 20
第6章 结论与思考 21
6.1 完善市场结构 21
6.1.1 发挥主板核心功能 21
6.1.2 推进场外市场发展 21
6.1.3 鼓励企业并购重组 22
6.2 应对风险管控 22
6.2.1 提高风险管控意识 22
6.3.2 加强企业信息披露 22
6.3 进行市场监管改革 23
6.3.1 监管机构“简政放权” 23
6.3.2 加强市场数据监控 23
6.3.3 严守惩罚措施 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 27
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.2 文献综述