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 2021-12-20 20:57:55  


摘 要



本文以豆瓣网官方提供的百万条电影短评作为语料库,通过网络爬虫对豆瓣短评进行爬取,基于TensorFlow框架搭建循环神经网络模型,运用深度学习方法 LSTM 及SVM模型来进行文本分类,判断评论的情感极性,最后通过可视化技术对情感分析的结果进行展示。

关键词:豆瓣评论 网络爬虫 情感分析 循环神经网络

The Sentiment Analysis of Douban Short Reviews Based on Recurrent Neural Networks


In recent years, with the rapid development of the domestic economy, people's living standards have also gradually improved. The people's increasing material and cultural needs have driven the rapid growth of the entertainment industry. Previously, they could only travel or watch TV at home, but now there are many tall buildings and squares everywhere As commercial streets continue to emerge, movie watching has gradually changed from a petty bourgeois sentiment to mass entertainment, and the movie box office continues to hit new highs. Whether watching movies on the go or watching them on an online platform, the audience will express their views on the movie, which is why the movie review sites such as Douban are becoming more and more popular.

This article uses the million movie short reviews officially provided by Douban as a corpus, crawls Douban short reviews through web crawlers, builds a recurrent neural network model based on the TensorFlow framework, and uses deep learning methods LSTM and SVM models to classify texts and judge comments Emotional polarity, and finally display the results of sentiment analysis through visualization technology.

Key Words: Douban reviews; web crawler; sentiment analysis; recurrent neural networks

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 研究现状 1

1.3 本文主要工作 2

1.4 论文组织结构 3

第二章 相关技术 4

2.1 网络爬虫 4

2.1.1 Scrapy与Python语言 4

2.1.2 Scrapy基本结构 5

2.2机器学习相关知识 5

2.2.1 机器学习 5

2.2.2 深度学习 6

2.2.3人工神经网络 6

2.2.4递归神经网络 8

2.2.5 LSTM模型 9

2.2.6 SVM 11

2.3 本章小结 12

第三章 网络爬虫设计 13

3.1 目标数据分析 13

3.2 数据格式 13

3.3 CSS选择器 14

3.4 模拟登陆 15

3.5 数据存储 17

3.6 构建语料库 17

3.7 本章小结 18

第四章 循环神经网络搭建 19

4.1 Keras 19

4.2 TensorFlow 19

4.3 文本预处理 19

4.3.1中文分词 19

4.3.2 去除停用词 19

4.4 构建神经网络模型 21

4.4.1 划分数据集 21

4.4.2 定义网络结构 21

4.4.3 Embedding层 21

4.4.4 Dense层 22

4.4.5 Dropout层 22

4.4.6 LSTM层 22

4.4.7 SVM 23

4.5 模型训练 23

4.6 模型情感预测 24

4.7 本章小结 24

第五章 可视化展示 25

5.1 可视化工具 25

5.1.1 Tensorboard 25

5.1.2 Excel图表 25

5.2 神经网络可视化 25

5.2.1 正确率和损失值 26

5.2.2 模型比较 27

5.3 情感分析可视化 27

5.4 本章小结 28

第六章 总结与展望 29

6.1 总结 29

6.2 展望 29

参考文献 31

致谢 34

第一章 绪论




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