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 2021-12-20 20:58:04  


摘 要




关键词:网购 微信小程序 推荐算法 协同过滤

Based on WeChat small procedures online mall and recommendation system


With the emergence of various e-commerce platforms, online shopping has become an indispensable part of People's Daily life.For consumers, abundant commodities, high-quality pre-sale and after-sales service, as well as convenient express delivery enable users to rest assured in their choice of commodities.For stores, the low operating cost, simple operation and more intelligent way of drainage and backflow have enabled more individual businesses to join the ranks of e-commerce.WeChat small program with no need to download, simple operation and low development cost, has become one of the carriers of the mainstream online mall.

Of course, as the scale of online shopping mall becomes larger and larger, the information data will be too inflated.Users can not obtain a large amount of commodity information in a short time, thus affecting the selection of commodities.The solution provided by various platforms is to calculate the products that users may like and recommend them to users through collaborative filtering and other recommendation algorithms based on user behavior and commodity attributes, which greatly reduces the shopping time of users and effectively solves this pain point.

This paper will be aimed at the design of online shopping small program and recommendation algorithm, research and development of an online mall small program.Eclipse is used as the main development tool, the front-end adopts Bootstrap, jQuery and other frameworks, and the back-end adopts SSM framework to simplify the development of J2EE based on JAVA. The system mainly realizes the functions of users browsing online products, managing shopping carts and paying for ordered products. The recommended algorithm is composed of mahout function library, HashMap and other data structures.

Keywords:Online shopping;Wechat smallprogram;recommendation algorithm;collaborative filtering

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题背景 1

1.2目的和意义 2

1.3论文的组织结构 2

第二章 开发工具与技术选型 3

2.1 开发工具 3

1. Eclipse 3

2. Visual Studio Code 3

3. 微信开发者工具 3

4. Navicat For MySQL 3

2.2技术选型 4

1. Java 4

2. JavaScript 4

3. MySQL 4

4. Bootstrap 4

5. SSM框架 4

SpringMVC 5

Spring 6

Mybatis 7

第三章 需求分析 8

3.1可行性研究分析 8

3.1.1 技术可行性 8

3.1.2 经济可行性 8

3.1.3 操作可行性 8

3.2 系统需求分析与研究 9

3.2.1 系统架构 9

3.2.2 用户端系统设计 9

3.2.3 后台管理系统设计 11

第四章 软件分析与系统设计 12

4.1软件功能模块设计——用户模块 12

1. 用户登录注册模块 12

2. 商品模块 13

3. 购物车模块 13

4. 订单模块 13

5. 商品推荐模块 13

4.2 软件功能模块设计——管理员模块 14

1. 首页、用户管理 14

2. 商品种类管理 14

3. 商品管理 14

4. 订单管理 14

4.3 流程图分析 15

4.3.1 用户端操作流程图 15

4.3.2 管理员操作流程图 16

4.4 数据库设计 17

4.4.1 E-R图 17

4.4.2 数据库表设计 18

第五章 软件关键功能实现与代码分析 21

5.1 登录注册的实现 21

5.1.1 界面展示 21

5.1.2 登录注册逻辑分析 21

5.2 商品展示界面——分页查询的实现 23

5.2.1 浏览商品界面 23

5.2.2 分页查询逻辑分析 23

5.3 购物车的实现 25

5.3.1 购物车界面 25

5.3.2 购物车业务逻辑分析 25

5.4. 管理员添加商品 26

5.4.1 商品添加或者修改界面展示 26

5.4.2 商品添加修改业务逻辑 27

5.5 推荐系统 27

5.5.1 协同过滤算法原理 27

1. 基于用户UserCF 27

2. 基于物品ItemCF 27

5.5.2 Java工具类Utils类实现 28

第六章 系统测试 29

6.1 测试方法 29

6.2 登录注册测试 29

6.3 商城功能测试 30

6.4 购物车功能测试 32

6.5 用户功能测试 32

6.5 管理员功能测试 32

结束语 33

参考文献 34

致谢 36

第一章 绪论




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