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 2021-12-20 20:59:57  


摘 要



基于以上问题,本文自主设计并实现了一款基于Android的记账App。搭建了由Android SDK、JDK、ADK等开发工具所组成的Android开发平台,UI设计为Android原生,采用Java语言独立设计并开发出的一款基于Android的记账App。数据交互使用HTTP网络协议,采用Bmob云数据库进行数据存储,便于后续的维护和开发,不同设备登录后,同一账户的数据可以进行同步,便于用户使用。该软件具备注册/登录功能、管理收支功能、数据统计分析功能,帮助用户提高记账的效率,简便记账的过程。趣味性功能的加入,可以调动用户使用的积极性,提高用户的产品体验。


Design and implementation of accounting app based on Android


With the rapid development of China's economic construction, people's consumption ideas and ways have taken a qualitative leap. Nowadays, there are not only the Post-70s who advocate thrift, but also the post-90s who advocate "Moonlight clan" and try everything. Domestic financial software has developed from scratch, and has gradually become mature after many years of development. With the rapid development of IT industry and the accumulation of technology for many years, wealth management applications become diversified and convenient, and the birth of accounting app can meet the needs of users for wealth management. Up to now, the diversification of consumption channels and consumption modes makes people's expectation for bookkeeping app more than just record and statistics.

Faced with the complexity of people's various income and consumption channels, how to make software users more convenient to record has become the top priority of software developers. In addition to its own bookkeeping, the functions of the bookkeeping app on the market now have complicated and fancy interface style and too many complex and useless functions, which make users spend too much time on the use and learning cost of the app and lose the original convenience and efficiency.

Based on the above problems, this paper designs and implements a billing app based on Android. An android development platform composed of Android SDK, JDK, ADK and other development tools has been built. The UI is designed as Android native, and an Android based accounting app has been independently designed and developed in Java language. HTTP network protocol is used for data interaction, and bmob cloud database is used for data storage, which is convenient for subsequent maintenance and development. After different devices log in, the data of the same account can be synchronized, which is convenient for users to use. The software has the functions of registration / login, management of revenue and expenditure, data statistics and analysis, which can help users improve the efficiency of bookkeeping and simplify the process of bookkeeping. The addition of interesting functions can mobilize the user's enthusiasm and improve the user's product experience.

Keywords: Book-keeping; App; Android; Cloud database


摘 要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 选题目的及意义 1

1.3 论文结构安排 2

第二章 开发工具和开发环境介绍 4

2.1开发环境 4

2.1.1 开发环境 4

2.1.2 开发设备 4

2.2 开发工具简介 4

2.2.1 Android 简介 4

2.2.2 Bmob云数据库简介 4

2.2.3 MySQL数据库简介 5

2.3 开发技术介绍 5

第三章 软件设计 6

3.1 需求分析 6

3.1.1 软件概述 6

3.1.2 软件运行需求 6

3.1.3 软件性能需求 6

3.1.4 用例图 6

3.2 数据库设计 7

3.3 数据流图 9

3.4 本章小结 10

第四章 系统实现 11

4.1 登录注册模块的实现 11

4.1.1页面布局和样式 11

4.1.2业务逻辑 11

4.2 主界面模块的实现 12

4.2.1页面布局和样式 12

4.2.2业务逻辑 12

4.3 收支记录模块的实现 13

4.3.1页面布局和样式 13

4.3.2业务逻辑 13

4.4 用户中心模块的实现 14

4.4.1页面布局和样式 14

4.4.2业务逻辑 14

4.5 设置模块的实现 14

4.5.1页面布局和样式 15

4.5.2业务逻辑 15

4.6 账单分类编辑模块的实现 16

4.6.1页面布局和样式 16

4.6.2业务逻辑 16

4.7 关于界面模块的实现 16

4.7.1页面布局和样式 16

4.7.2业务逻辑 17

4.8 本章小结 17

第五章 软件测试 18

5.1 测试方案与目的 18

5.2 测试用例与结果 18

5.3 遇到的问题与解决方案 21

5.3.1数据库读取错误问题 21

5.3.2主键重复问题 21

5.3.3重复数据库表问题 21

5.3.4饼图设置问题 21

5.4 本章小结 22

第六章 总结与展望 23

6.1 总结 23

6.2 展望 23

参考文献 24

致 谢 26

第一章 绪论

1.1 选题背景



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