2022-11-26 20:07:01
Efficient URL Caching for World Wide Web Crawling
Marc Najork
BMJ (International Edition) 2013
Crawling the web is deceptively simple: the basic algorithm is (a)Fetch a page (b) Parse it to extract all linked URLs (c) For all the URLs not seen before, repeat (a)–(c). However, the size of the web (estimated at over 4 billion pages) and its rate of change (estimated at 7% per week) move this plan from a trivial programming exercise to a serious algorithmic and system design challenge. Indeed, these two factors alone imply that for a reasonably fresh and complete crawl of the web, step (a) must be executed about a thousand times per second, and thus the membership test (c) must be done well over ten thousand times per second against a set too large to store in main memory. This requires a distributed architecture, which further complicates the membership test.
A crucial way to speed up the test is to cache, that is, to store in main memory a (dynamic) subset of the “seen” URLs. The main goal of this paper is to carefully investigate several URL caching techniques for web crawling. We consider both practical algorithms: random replacement, static cache, LRU, and CLOCK, and theoretical limits: clairvoyant caching and infinite cache. We performed about 1,800 simulations using these algorithms with various cache sizes, using actual log data extracted from a massive 33 day web crawl that issued over one billion HTTP requests. Our main conclusion is that caching is very effective – in our setup, a cache of roughly 50,000 entries can achieve a hit rate of almost 80%. Interestingly, this cache size falls at a critical point: a substantially smaller cache is much less effective while a substantially larger cache brings little additional benefit. We conjecture that such critical points are inherent to our problem and venture an explanation for this phenomenon.
A recent Pew Foundation study [31] states that “Search engines have become an indispensable utility for Internet users” and estimates that as of mid-2002, slightly over 50% of all Americans have used web search to find information. Hence, the technology that powers web search is of enormous practical interest. In this paper, we concentrate on one aspect of the search technology, namely the process of collecting web pages that eventually constitute the search engine corpus.
Search engines collect pages in many ways, among them direct URL submission, paid inclusion, and URL extraction from nonweb sources, but the bulk of the corpus is obtained by recursively exploring the web, a process known as crawling or SPIDERing. The basic algorithm is
(a) Fetch a page
(b) Parse it to extract all linked URLs
(c) For all the URLs not seen before, repeat (a)–(c)
Crawling typically starts from a set of seed URLs, made up of URLs obtained by other means as described above and/or made up of URLs collected during previous crawls. Sometimes crawls are started from a single well connected page, or a directory such as yahoo.com, but in this case a relatively large portion of the web (estimated at over 20%) is never reached. See [9] for a discussion of the graph structure of the web that leads to this phenomenon.
If we view web pages as nodes in a graph, and hyperlinks as directed edges among these nodes, then crawling becomes a process known in mathematical circles as graph traversal. Various strategies for graph traversal differ in their choice of which node among the nodes not yet explored to explore next. Two standard strategies for graph traversal are Depth First Search (DFS) and Breadth First Search (BFS) – they are easy to implement and taught in many introductory algorithms classes. (See for instance [34]).
However, crawling the web is not a trivial programming exercise but a serious algorithmic and system design challenge because of the following two factors.
1. The web is very large. Currently, Google [20] claims to have indexed over 3 billion pages. Various studies [3, 27, 28] have indicated that, historically, the web has doubled every 9-12 months.
2. Web pages are changing rapidly. If “change” means “any change”, then about 40% of all web pages change weekly [12]. Even if we consider only pages that change by a third or more, about 7% of all web pages change weekly [17].
These two factors imply that to obtain a reasonably fresh and 679 complete snapshot of the web, a search engine must crawl at least 100 million pages per day. Therefore, step (a) must be executed about 1,000 times per second, and the membership test in step (c) must be done well over ten thousand times per second, against a set of URLs that is too large to store in main memory. In addition, crawlers typically use a distributed architecture to crawl more pages in parallel, which further complicates the membership test: it is possible that the membership question can only be answered by a peer node, not locally.
A crucial way to speed up the membership test is to cache a (dynamic) subset of the “seen” URLs in main memory. The main goal of this paper is to investigate in depth several URL caching techniques for web crawling. We examined four practical techniques: random replacement, static cache, LRU, and CLOCK, and compared them against two theoretical limits: clairvoyant caching and infinite cache when run against a trace of a web crawl that issued over one billion HTTP requests. We found that simple caching techniques are extremely effective even at relatively small cache sizes such as 50,000 entries and show how these caches can be implemented very efficiently.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses the various crawling solutions proposed in the literature and how caching fits in thei
BMJ (国际版) 2013
我们的主要的结论是 cache是非常高效的-在我们的机制里,一个有大约50000个入口的cache可以完成80%的速率。有趣的是,这cache的大小下降到一个临界点:一个足够的小一点的cache更有效当一个足够的大一点的cache只能带来很小的额外好处。我们推测这个临界点是固有的并且冒昧的解释一下这个现象。
搜索引擎搜集网页通过很多途径,他们中,直接提交URL,回馈内含物,然后从非web源文件中提取URL,但是大量的文集包含一个进程叫 crawling 或者 SPIDERing,他们递归的探索互联网。基本的算法是:
Fetch a page
Parse it to extract all linked URLs
For all the URLs not seen before,repeat(a)-(c)
网络爬虫一般开始于一些 种子URLs。有些时候网络爬虫开始于一个正确连接的页面,或者一个目录就像:yahoo.com,但是因为这个原因相关的巨大的部分网络资源无法被访问到。(估计有超过20%)
网络爬虫的出现几乎和网络同期,而且有很多的文献描述了网络爬虫。在这个部分,我们呈现一个摘要关于这些爬虫程序,并讨论问什么大多数的网络爬虫会受益于URL cache。
网络爬虫用网络存档雇员多个爬行进程,每个一次性完成一个彻底的爬行对于64个hosts 。爬虫进程储存非本地的URLs到磁盘;在爬行的最后,一批工作将这些URLs加入到下个爬虫的每个host的种子sets中。
最初的google 爬虫,实现不同的爬虫组件通过不同的进程。一个单独的URL服务器进行维护需要下载的URL的集合;爬虫程序获取的网页;索引进程提取关键字和超链接;URL解决进程将相对路径转换给绝对路径。这些不同的进程通过文件系统通信。
Caching术语就像下面:cache是内存用来储存同等大小的元素。一个cache有k的大小,那么可以储存k个项目.在每个时间段,cache接受到来自一个项目的请求.如果这个请求项目在这个cache中,这种情况将会引发一个碰撞并且不需要进一步的动作。另一方面,这种情况叫做 丢失或者失败。如果cache没有k个项目,那个丢失的项目被加入cache。另一方面,算法必须选择驱逐一个项目来空出空间来存放那个丢失的项目,或者不加入那个丢失的项目。Caching算法的目标是最小化丢失的个数。