2023-03-01 10:51:18
摘 要
关键词: 在线考试系统 Java JSP MySQL数据库
Design and development of JSP online examination system
Development of network technology to our lives has brought great changes. Computer technology and the Internet in all walks of life have been applied. In the modern development, we in the daily management, with the aid of management software has brought great convenience. Machine on the management brought us convenience, development of the network, so that real-time sharing of information as possible. In the field of education, in schools through the software system, efficient management of student information, network management for academic staff and students has brought great convenience. Efficient management by means everyone welcome. Traditional examination also ushered in change.
Online examination system uses B / S design thinking, JAVA language, JSP technology to achieve a MySQL database online examination system.Online examination system design goal is to improve the efficiency of the examination management, real-time management of the examination. Candidates and teachers hope to bring convenience. Based on the actual needs and expectations. Online examination system to achieve desired functions have questions, Management of the questions is the task of teachers, organized by the management, to facilitate the assessment of the preparation. System administrator privileges on the user"s information and systems maintenance. Online exam, online exam is the core function of the system. Students online test, real time monitoring of the situation of the examination room, candidates can understand the conduct of the examination. Online batch volume, the system automatically.
Keywords: online examination system Java JSP MySQL database
基于JSP的在线考试系统的设计与开发 1
摘要 1
Design and development of JSP online examination system 2
Summary 2
第一章 绪论 4
1.1 开发背景及意义 4
1.2 系统设计目标 4
1.3 开发技术简介 4
1.3.1 B/S结构 4
1.3.2 JSP技术 4
1.3.3 Tomcat服务器 5
1.3.4 数据库技术 5
1.3.5 系统设计思想 5
第二章 可行性分析 7
2.1 系统流程图 7
2.2经济可行性 8
2.3技术可行性 8
第三章 需求分析 9
3.1在线考试系统概况 9
3.2在线考试系统需求分析 9
3.2.1系统数据流图 9
3.2.2 数据字典 11
第四章 总体设计 12
4.1 模块总体设计 12
4.2数据库设计 15
4.2.1 数据库设计概述 15
4.2.2 数据分析 15
第五章 详细设计 18
5.1 系统运行平台 18
5.2 开发工具简介 19
5.3 功能设计 19
5.3.1系统程序流程图 19
5.3.2 登录功能模块 20
5.3.3 系统管理模块 21
5.3.4 考生管理模块 22
5.3.5 查询考生成绩模块 23
5.3.6控制考试模块 24
5.3.7 制作试卷模块 25
5.3.8 试卷审批中心模块 25
5.3.9 考生考试模块 26
第六章 系统测试 27
6.1系统测试 27
6.2软件测试 27
6.2.1软件测试的基本概念 27
6.2.2测试步骤 28
6.3 系统测试 28
参考文献 33
1.1 开发背景及意义
1.2 系统设计目标
1.3 开发技术简介
1.3.1 B/S结构
B/S结构(Browser/Server,浏览器/服务器模式),是基于浏览器的开发模式。在客户端安装浏览器,相应的在服务器上安装了数据库(MySql,SQL Server等数据库)。Web Server作为客户端和服务端之间的桥梁。实现了浏览器与服务器之间的数据交互。
1.3.2 JSP技术
JSP(Java Server Pages),中文名是java服务器页面,其根本是个简化的Servlet设计。