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 2023-04-17 15:03:47  


摘 要

OpenMp是一种针对多线程的程序设计编译指导方案。其主要特点是运用简单的编译指导方案解决了面向共享内存和分布式共享内存的多线程并发问题。此外,OpenMp还具有很好的可移植性,它也支持多种语言,例如c,c ,多种编译器的支持:sun,gun等编译器也支持OpenMp。在跨平台方面,类UNIX和Windows平台均已支持。OpenMP的重要优势在于它能够为编写多线程程序提供一种简单的方法,从而无需让程序员进行繁琐的线程创建、同步、负载平衡和销毁工作。数字图像处理一般针对于图像相关的二维数组进行一定的调整。这样的二维数组都是比较庞大的,相关的串行计算会耗费大量的时间。其图像算法在串行执行的时间上会有较多的耗时。而采用并行计算来处理,则会减少相关的计算时间。带来性能上的提高。本文将利用OpenMp对导师提供的几个图像处理算法进行并行优化。




OpenMp is a program designed for multithreaded compiler directed scheme. Its main characteristic is to use simple compilation guidance scheme for shared memory and distributed shared memory multi-threaded concurrency issues. In addition, OpenMP also has good portability. It also supports multiple languages, such as C, C , a variety of compilers support: sun, gun compiler also supports OpenMP. In cross platform, the class UNIX and Windows platforms have been supported. An important advantage of OpenMP lies in its ability to provide a simple method for the preparation of multi-threaded programs, so there is no need to let the programmer to create complicated threads, synchronization, load balance and destruction. Digital image processing for two-dimensional array of images related to certain adjustments. This is a two-dimensional array of relatively large, the serial computing will spend a lot of time. The algorithm takes image more in the serial execution time. Using parallel computing to solve, it will reduce the computation time related. Bring about performance improvement. Parallel optimization of several image algorithm this paper will use OpenMp to provide the processing supervisor.

This paper mainly analyzes the basic principle of OpenMp, explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of its development trend. Then the tutor provides several image processing algorithm for parallel processing. Experimental data obtained before and after optimization, in order to carry out parallel analysis. The influencing factors of the efficiency of the algorithm are summarized.. Through practical programming to deepen the knowledge of this subject.

KeyWords: OpenMp;Parallel computing;Image processing;Multi Thread


第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2 OpenMP发展的现状与趋势 1

1.2.2 OpenMP的现状与趋势 2

1.3 OpenMp技术的优缺点 3

1.4本论文研究的内容 4

第二章 OpenMP及图像处理的基本概念与原理 5

2.1引言 5

2.2 OpenMP的基本执行原理 5

2.2.1 fork/join并行执行模式 5

2. 2.2 内存模型 6

2.2.3多核缓存 6

2.2.4.多核并行处理概念 7

2.3 OpenMP的常用指令 7

2.4图像处理 9

2.4.1 数字图像的概念 9

2.4.2 图像的亮度处理 9

2.4.3调整亮度与对比度原理与算法 9

2.4.4 图像的饱和度 10

2.4.5白平衡 10

2.5小结 10

第三章 利用OpenMp优化实现几个图像处理算法 11

3.1 引言 11

3.2函数的并行优化与分析 11

3.2.1 矫正函数:_IP_RectifyLightImage 11

1.原函数关键代码 11

2.分析: 12

3.优化后的关键代码 12

4.结果一致性判定 12

5.执行后的数据分析 12

6.分析运行结果及影响因素 14

3.2.2标定函数:_IP_CalibrateLightImageBlack 15

1.原函数关键代码 15

2.分析 15

3.优化后的关键代码 15

4.结果一致性判定 16

5.执行后的数据分析 16

6.分析运行结果及影响因素 17

3.2.3 标定函数:_IP_CalibrateLightImageColor 18

1.原函数关键代码 18

2.分析 18

3.优化后的关键代码 18

4.结果一致性判定 19

5.执行后的数据分析 19

6.分析运行结果及影响因素 20

3.2.4 图像特征计算函数:_IP_CountLightIntensity 21

1.原函数关键代码 21

2.分析 22

3.优化后的关键代码 23

4.结果一致性判定 24

5.执行后的数据分析 24

6.分析运行结果及影响因素 25

3.2.5 图像对焦率计算函数:_IP_CountFocusRate 26

1.原函数关键代码 26

2.分析 27

3.优化后的关键代码 27

4.结果一致性判定 28

5.执行后的数据分析 29

6.分析运行结果及影响因素 32

结束语 33

致 谢 34

参考文献 35

第一章 绪论




1.2 OpenMP发展的现状与趋势



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