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 2023-04-17 15:03:48  


摘 要




The optimization of image processing algorithm based on TBB


Now, multi-core processors have become the mainstream of the market, and the rapid popularization in life. But most of the software are based on a single core, can not give full play to the advantage of multi-core platform, also on multi-core CPU resources waste. Thus, Intel introduced TBB (Thread Building Blocks)will change the existing mode of multi-core programming tool, it can be in other multi-core platform supported by part of serial program to parallel threads of parallelization transformation, improve the execution efficiency of the multi-core processor platform.

Image processing is one of the important areas of parallel study, because today we need to deal with a large number of images, but it faces a large amount of data, low real-time processing efficiency problem. Parallel optimization algorithm based on TBB image, which is used to improve the operation efficiency of the algorithm. This paper first introduces the development of parallel computing and the research status at home and abroad, and then on the basic concept of image processing and TBB introduces the relevant knowledge, based on OpenCV image processing algorithms are analyzed in detail, finally, the comprehensive analysis on the algorithm, using the TBB parallel transformation of parallel region, and consistency of data before and after the optimization criterion, compare the time needed for the program execution, analysis of influence factors and draw conclusions.

Keywords: parallel computing; TBB; image processing


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2图像并行化研究的背景 2

1.2.1并行计算机的历程 2

1.2.2 并行计算机的现实需求 2

1.2.3 TBB产生的历史条件及其应用 2

1.3 并行计算的准备知识 3

1.4 OpenCV及TBB在vs2008中的安装简介 4

1.5 本文所做的工作和组织结构 5

第二章 基于OpenCV的图像处理算法 7

2.1 OpenCV 简介 7

2.2 OpenCV的体系结构和内容 7

2.3 图像处理算法分析 8

2.3.1 图像校正 8

2.3.2 计算背景亮度 10

2.3.3计算图像的对焦效率 11

2.3.4 判断是否存在细胞区域 12

2.3.5 判断是否存在空白图像 13

2.4 实现算法调用 13

2.5 本章小结 15

第三章 基于TBB的图像算法并行优化 16

3.1 TBB概论 16

3.1.1 TBB的主要内容 16

3.1.2 TBB的多核并行编程 16

3.2 TBB与裸线程和OpenMP对比 17

3.3 TBB的并行化设计 19

3.3.1 循环体并行化 19

3.3.2 流水线的并行化 20

3.3.3 任务的并行化 21

3.4 基于TBB的图像处理算法的优化 22

3.4.1 并行方式的选择 22

3.4.2 选择迭代空间 22

3.4.3 设计operator循环体函数 22

3.4.4 粒度划分 22

3.5 基于TBB的算法并行优化 22

3.5.1 parallel_for并行优化 23

3.5.2 parallel_reduce并行优化 24

3.6本章小结 25

第四章 实验结果与结论 27

4.1 环境及测试用图 27

4.1.1 环境介绍 27

4.1.2 测试用图 27

4.2 一致性判别 27

4.3 分析时间比 28

4.3.1 比较整体函数 28

4.3.2 比较独立for循环 30

4.3.4 CPU利用率 31

4.3.5附加测试 32

4.4分析影响因素 35

第五章 总结与展望 37

5.1 总结 37

5.2 展望 37

致谢 38

参考文献 39

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言




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