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 2022-11-10 10:54:51  


摘 要


本论文侧重通过完成用户之间的交互,采用了面向对象的设计方法,详细的分析了系统的需求,客户端用微信小程序获取信息给用户展示,后台使用SSH框架 MySql数据库技术,进行数据的操作,并且本论文完成了以下内容,一、登录注册功能,二、消费管理功能,三、账单管理功能,四、账单分析功能。



Accounting system based on wechat small program


With the improvement of economic level, various information technologies are gradually applied to the Internet platform. With the popularity of mobile phones and the popularity of online shopping, more and more people make use of the advantages of e-commerce to shop wantonly, and they don't control their personal consumption, which makes it difficult for their personal economy to continue. If we rely on the traditional personal accounting management, it is difficult to carry out systematic statistics, and many revenue and expenditure information will be missed. The personal accounting management applet manages personal consumption information through wechat applet, which enables users to analyze consumption behavior.

This paper focuses on the interaction between users, using the object-oriented design method, detailed analysis of the needs of the system, the client uses wechat applet to obtain information for the user to show, the background uses SSH framework MySQL database technology, data operation, and this paper completes the following contents, first, login registration function, second, consumption management function, third, bill management function, fourth, bill analysis function.

Through the test of the system, the design and implementation of the accounting system based on wechat small program is completed. The personal accounting management small program designed in this paper is the application of consumption information, which can adjust personal consumption, intuitively show the user's recent revenue and expenditure situation, and effectively help consumers understand their own revenue and expenditure situation.

Keywords: personal accounting; mobile phone; applet; MySQL; wechat


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 论文工作背景与意义 1

1.2 相关研究现状 1

1.3 主要工作内容 2

1.4 论文组织结构 2

第二章 相关技术技术 3

2.1 Myeclipse开发平台 3

2.2 微信小程序 3

2.3 数据库技术 3

2.4 Java技术 4

2.5 本章小结 4

第三章 系统需求分析 5

3.1 可行性分析 5

3.2 需求分析 5

3.3 系统用户分析 5

3.4 业务流程图 7

3.5 非功能性需求 8

第四章 系统设计 9

4.1系统概要设计 9

4.1.1系统架构设计 9

4.1.2系统功能设计 9

4.2系统详细设计 10

4.2.1注册登录功能设计 11

4.2.2 账单管理设计 11

4.2.3 消费分析管理设计 12

4.2.4 个人账户设计 12

4.3 数据库设计 12

4.3.1逻辑结构设计 12

4.3.2物理结构设计 13

第五章 系统实现 15

5.1系统实现工具与环境 15

5.2核心代码分析 15

5.3服务器端信息管理 17

5.4注册主界面 18

5.5登录主界面 19

5.6收支管理 19

5.7 消费信息分析 20

5.8个人信息管理 21

第六章 系统测试 22

6.1 测试环境 22

6.2 测试用例 22

6.3 测试结论 24

第七章 总结与展望 25

致 谢 26

参考文献 27

第一章 绪论

1.1 论文工作背景与意义




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