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 2022-11-24 10:09:28  


摘 要


通过在Android平台上面开发一个手机app,最贴近当今大学生的生活,本课题使用Android studio开发工具来开发一款在线考试系统,此系统主要包括三类用户:学生、教师、管理员。学生功能模块包括注册账号、学生登陆、修改密码、在线考试、成绩查询功能。教师功能模块主要功能为注册账号、登陆、手动组卷、自动组卷、批改试卷、试卷管理等功能,管理员功能模块包括登陆、学生管理、教师管理等功能,其中学生功能模块和教师功能模块为主要功能,本系统的核心服务对象为高校学生和高校授课教师。


关键词:Android;在线考试 ;MySql;Java ;移动设备

Design and implementation of mobile online examination system


Nowadays, the online examination system based on Android is favored by more and more colleges and universities for its easy operation, easy management, and standardized process. The traditional paper-based examination paper is facing a reform. In order to facilitate the daily examination of college students and teachers, the online examination system should be born. Through the online examination, the time used is reduced to the greatest extent, which is in line with today's efficiency and simplicity Clean style of the times.

Through the development of a mobile app on Android platform, which is most close to the life of today's college students, this project uses Android Studio development tools to develop an online examination system, which mainly includes three types of users: students, teachers, administrators. The student function module includes registration account, student login, password modification, online examination, score query function. The main function of the teacher function module is to register account, log in, manually set papers, automatically set papers, grade papers, test paper management and other functions. The administrator function module includes log in, student management, teacher management and other functions, among which the student function module and teacher function module are the main functions. The core service object of this system is college students and college teachers.

Compared with the traditional paper-based examination, the system has great advantages, greatly reducing the energy and time of students and teachers, improving the efficiency of the examination to the greatest extent, and greatly facilitating college students and teaching teachers. However, the system still needs to have a large improvement space in the algorithm of automatic test paper formation. With the development of network technology, online examination will certainly surpass the transmission The unified paper examination will become the mainstream in the future.

Key words: Android ; online test; MySql; Java ;Mobile devices


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1研究背景以及意义 1

1.2相关研究现状 1

1.3研究内容 2

1.4论文组织结构 2

第二章 技术简介 3

2.1 JAVA技术 3

2.2 Android操作系统介绍 4

2.3 MYSQL数据库 4

2.4本章小结 4

第三章 系统需求分析 5

3.1系统功能需求分析 5

3.1.1总体需求分析 5

3.1.2学生功能分析 5

3.1.3教师功能分析 6

3.1.4管理员功能分析 7

3.2系统非功能需求分析 8

3.3本章小结 8

第四章 系统设计 9

4.1系统的总体设计 9

4.1.1系统分层结构设计 9

4.1.2系统功能结构设计 9

4.1.3开发流程设计 10

4.2系统数据库设计 11

4.2.1数据库E-R图设计 12

4.2.2数据库表设计 14

4.3系统详细设计 18

4.3.1登陆流程 18

4.3.2 学生在线考试流程 19

4.3.3手动组卷流程 19

4.3.4自动组卷流程流程 20

4.4核心算法设计 21

4.5本章小结 22

第五章 系统的实现 23

5.1 系统实现工具与环境 23

5.2系统的运行主界面 24

5.2.1 登录界面 24

5.2.2 教师主页模块 24

5.2.3学生主页模块 25

5.2.4 考试管理模块 25

5.2.5 题目管理页面 26

5.2.6 自动组卷模块 26

5.2.7 试卷列表模块 26

5.2.8 在线考试模块 27

5.2.9 简答批阅模块 27

5.2.10 我的成绩模块 28

5.2.11 考试信息管理模块 28

5.2.12 题目信息管理模块 28

5.3代码 29

5.4 系统测试 31

5.4.1系统的功能测试 31

5.4.2系统的非功能分析 32

5.5本章小结 32

第六章 总结与展望 33

6.1总结 33

6.2展望 33

致谢 34

参考文献 35

绪 论





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