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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 软件工程 > 正文


 2022-12-10 10:35:08  


摘 要




关键词: 互联网;网络爬虫;Python;数据可视化


With the rapid increase of Internet information and real estate information, people need to find information that suits their needs from a large amount of real estate information. As the information grows, it is more and more difficult to obtain this information. Since traditional real estate information is only pure marketing information, it does not take into account the needs of users and can only provide simple information. Return the same results to different users, which can no longer meet the personalized needs of users. Aiming at the current problems in real estate information, this paper designs and develops a Ning real estate information retrieval and analysis platform based on web crawlers.

This article first investigates the research literature of real estate information systems at home and abroad, and then collects current real estate information portal websites with a large amount of data, and calculates the URL of the information portal website, and then designs a web crawler to crawl the information of the portal website and construct The database of Ning real estate information. In order to better interact with users, better visualize data, and better meet user needs, this design focuses on the development of five modules: web crawler design, page system design, real estate data analysis, real estate information prediction, and user interaction.

This design is based on the Python3.6 language, using Pycharm as the development tool, using two efficient and convenient development frameworks, scrapy and Flask, for development. In the process of data visualization, echarts is used to better display the data to users.

Keywords: Internet, web crawler, Python, data visualization


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2研究现状 2

1.3论文组织结构 2

1.4 本章小结 3

第二章 开发环境与相关技术 4

2.1 系统开发软件和运行环境 4

2.1.1 开发环境与工具 4

2.1.2 开发工具简介 4

2.2 开发相关技术 4

2.2.1 开发技术列举 4

2.2.2 开发技术介绍 4

2.3 本章小结 5

第三章 宁房产信息检索与分析平台需求分析 6

3.1 需求分析过程 6

3.2 系统的功能需求分析 6

3.2.1 设计人员用例分析 7

3.2.2 用户用例分析 8

3.2.3 算法人员用例分析 8

3.3 系统主要业务流程分析 9

3.3.1 房产信息爬取流程 9

3.3.2 房产信息预测流程 9

3.3.3 用户交互流程 10

3.4 系统性能需求分析 11

3.5 本章小结 11

第四章 宁房产信息检索与分析平台设计 12

4.1 网络爬虫部分设计 12

4.1.1 网络爬虫设计思路 12

4.1.2 网络爬虫具体设计方案 12

4.2 宁房产信息检索与分析系统设计 13

4.2.1 整体系统结构设计 13

4.2.2 房价预测模块设计 14

4.3 本章小结 14

第五章 宁房产信息检索与分析平台实现 15

5.1 网络爬虫模块实现 15

5.2 系统页面实现 16

5.3 房产数据分析模块实现 17

5.4 房产预测推荐模块实现 18

5.5 房价分析模块实现 19

5.6 房价预测功能模块实现 20

5.7 本章小结 21

第六章 系统测试 22

6.1 软件测试 22

6.1.1 软件测试的目的 22

6.1.2 软件测试的方法 22

6.2 性能测试 25

6.3 本章小结 25

第七章 总结与展望 26

7.1 本文总结 26

7.2 未来工作的展望 26

致谢 27

参考文献 28

第一章 绪论


1.1.1 研究背景




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