题 目 一个基于Android的GPS食物搜索应用程序外文翻译资料
2022-12-18 15:40:05
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Procedia Computer Science 135 (2018) 393–399
3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2018
NYAM: An Android Based Application for Food Finding Using GPS
aErika Isabela, aJennifer Drona, aNailatul Fadhilah, aDian Felita Tanoto, aJeklin Harefa*, aGredion Prajena, aAndry Chowanda, aAlexander
aComputer Science Department, School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, 11480, Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to build an android based application to make easy to find the nearest restaurants where a user can see restaurant profiles, comments, like, amenities rating, hygiene, and services and as well as a media campaign for the restaurants. The method used is by questionnaires, interviews, observation, and literature study. The result of this research is NYAM app that can search for food based on GPS, categories, and types and this app can facilitate the search for suitable eating place where user can see restaurant profiles, comments, like, and amenities rating, hygiene, and service, as well as restaurant owners, can promote a place to eat in this application. Most of the respondents find out that the application was easy to use
(94.10%), and features were easy to understand (89.1%). The majority of the respondents (84.10%) will continue to use the NYAM system because they find the NYAM system was helping them to find the best restaurant to have their meals with a decent price and have good tastes (88.40%).
copy; 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2018.
Keywords:GPS; Restaurant Finding; Mobile; Android;
Technology has been evolved in many aspects and has been significantly influenced the way how we as humans live. It also has changed the way how we work and collaborate with someone else as well as has transformed the
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:jharefa@binus.edu
1877-0509 copy; 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2018.
10 .1016 /j.procs. 2018.08.189
way how we inquiry information in the world. Nowadays, it has never been easier to search for information about something we want to know such as looking where we can have a haircut on Sunday evening or which intersect to take to avoid the traffic.
Food has been the center of our life. People are looking for food for several purposes. They are going for a food when they are hungry as well as they are going for food because they want to explore the local culinary taste. Nowadays, the information provided by the WWW has been significantly helped people to search the information about local food. However, most of the information showed in the WWW are only returning the generic information queried by most of a typical person (i.e. a majority)1. Hence, the information provided by the WWW is not sufficient enough to cope a specific query regarding, for example, the price (e.g. searching for a budget culinary place, specialty in the area for supper, etc.).
There are several research that has been developed in order to make the application about food searching in mobile. Ramojhan et. al.3 developed a mobile-based application which called “Food Feast” for ordering the food via mobile phone. With this application, the customer can create an account for ordering the food. In general, the Food Feast application has 4 features: Login, Item Display, Order Tracking and Feedback features. This application successfully helps the customer in ordering the food easily and also provides the information needed by the customer. Another research comes from Adithya, Singh, and Pathan2. They proposed an online food ordering system in order to help customer can order and easily track their food. This application successfully helps the customer in ordering the food, tracking the order, and rate the food items easily. Besides, the restaurants can customize the menu and upload images easily. Having the menu in online enabling the restaurant to attract the new potential customers.
This paper proposes a location-based service for searching food in mobile. Research on location-based information mostly is still in the infancy stage as location-based information is highly depending on the local data4. Crowdsourcing information would be the best solution to this problem. With the information provided by the local people, we could benefit a specific information that only known by the local people (e.g. the best place to eat, the best price for dinner, specialty in the area, etc.).
This paper contributes to the exploration of location-based services for searching local food in mobile. To narrow down the scope, this paper proposes a location-based service for searching for food with Android in Indonesian. This could benefit food lovers in Indonesia as Indonesia has rich culture and type of foods than any other countries. As most of the literature suggested, most of Indonesian have Android as their mobile operating system5. In 2018, Android market share in
题 目 一个基于Android的GPS食物搜索应用程序
作 者 Erika Isabela
发表时间 2018年
二 O一 九 年 四 月 二 十 六 日
2. 近期工作
此外,还存在着一些成熟的定位推荐系统或在食品推荐中的应用。第一个应用程序是,qraved。Qraved是一个平台,提供解决方案来回答“吃什么”和“在哪里吃”。此应用程序使用GPS查找附近的餐厅。然而,这个应用程序有一些缺点,这是在印尼语和英语之间的语言使用不一致。不幸的是,只有10个餐厅可供选择(Kemang、Kelapa Gading、Senopati、SCBD、Central Bogor、Sudirman、Kuningan、Pik、North Serpong、Thamrin),拥有中高档经济社会消费者。每个餐厅都有自己的评级,其中评级由用户进行评级。第二个应用程序或系统是Zomato。Zomato是一个喂养应用程序,它的任务是确保没有人再次经历糟糕的饮食。这个基于Android的应用程序在其搜索功能中使用了全球定位系统。在应用程序中使用英语和印尼语。Zomato在其搜索功能中显示了距离1公里、中上目标的餐馆。佐马托没有一个促销功能,显示任何餐厅当前正在经营促销活动。中到低目标。没有促销菜单。印尼语和英语不一致。每个餐厅都有自己的评级,其中评级由用户进行评级。这两个系统在第4节中与我们的系统进行了比较。
图2提供了细节特征在导系统。有两个演员谁可以使用系统,用户(谁是寻找一个食品或用餐与餐厅(The One)或谁拥有的一家餐馆用餐。这两个演员可以访问登录,登记和变化的轮廓特征。此外,用户可以搜索一个餐厅和食品类的地图,显示型;餐厅的信息,评论,评论,和ratting样;给,评级,评论,喜欢一个特定的餐厅,或报告显示,添加和变更;菜单;显示所有收到他们自己的/促销redeem促销;或取或在显示和使用;或redeem钱包的宣传。虽然餐厅的宣传可以显示和创建他们的餐厅;验证inputted菜单是由用户显示菜单;验证;最后,显示更改,添加,删除,和餐厅的菜单。
在第三阶段,这一系统被使用在问卷的最后阶段。共1个受访者主要是21至25岁(94.1 %)和最大的是大学的学生(76.5 %)是评估的随机recruited漫游系统。结果是彻底的详细描述在下一节。
如前一节所述,本研究的目的是创建一个基于GPS的移动应用程序,可用于搜索附近的餐厅。用户登录后,NYAM将显示附近的餐厅可用。在图3的第一个屏幕截图中,有两个标记。红色是餐厅,蓝色是使用者。有两个角色可以使用应用程序、用户和餐厅。对于用户来说,有几个主要功能:找到一家餐馆,展示最新的促销活动,并给出评级。对于餐厅,主要功能是显示Promo、创建Promo和更改菜单数据(参见图2)。在用户视图中,要求用户先注册,然后使用之前注册的凭据登录系统。登录成功后,用户将看到显示用户和餐厅位置的导航。在左上角,一些菜单上有一个导航按钮用于引导用户(参见图3),包括Dekat Saya(附近的餐厅)、Cari Restoran(查找餐厅)、Promo(促销)、Dompet(我的钱包)和Ubah Profil(更改配置文件)。用于显示正在进行的促销的促销菜单。dompet菜单用于显示用户已采取的促销。
此外,餐馆老板,他们可以注册为餐馆老板。注册后,他们将能够以餐馆所有者身份登录系统。登录成功后,餐厅将看到导航,在地图上插入餐厅位置。如果已确定餐厅位置,则填写餐厅数据。若要添加促销,餐厅可以按“餐厅促销”页面上的 按钮并插入促销的详细信息。用户或餐馆都可以更改他们的数据,如姓名、地址、电子邮件、电话号码。用户确认更改数据后,应用程序会自动用SQL命令将数据更改为MySQL数据库。所有数据将存储在云系统数据库中。
Features |
Qraved |
Zomato |
Platform |
Android |
Android |
Android |
Using GPS |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Language Consistency |
No |
No |
Yes |
Promotion |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Rating |
Not details |
Not details |
Details (amenities, hygiene, service) |
Report |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
此外,评估用户的满意度,本研究利用问卷调查已进行的,受访者被随机选择的地方。图4 illustrates的项目或问题的问卷。主要调查的目的是评估系统性能和用户体验在使用本系统。基于问卷调查的结果,从共有三十个受访者(65.63% 21人之间的25和71.88