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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2022-01-09 20:37:22  


摘 要





关键词:单片机 蒸汽品质监测 HART通信


(标题Times New Roman,四号加粗)

The hardware design of HART based multi-channel multiplexer device communicating with SCADA for sampling in power plant steam quality supervisory


The high cost for power plant steam quality supervisory is mainly from purchasing enormous analysis equipment due to samples coming from various supervisory channels. Usually every channel needs a dedicated analysis equipment, which often isn’t made full use of as component change in the sample is relatively slow. In this project a multiplex using of analysis equipment is put forward which makes one analysis equipment been used to analyze samples from different channels, So the cost for purchasing new equipment for every channel is largely reduced and hardware system and software for multiplex device which use HART protocol to communicate with Remote Terminal Unit in SCADA(Supervisory control and data acquisition) system is designed. In the project test, the channels time-multiplexed analyzed for numerous samples in this multiplex device are 6.

This thesis introduces the hardware design of HART based multi-channel multiplexer device communicating with SCADA with the background of sampling in power plant steam quality supervisory, mainly complete the design of intelligent multiplex device for existing analysis equipment part in the subject. Firstly introduces the current development of HART protocol used in many fields and the future of industrial analog/digital signals’ fusion. Secondly, this thesis introduces the subject of multiplex system hardware circuit and the working principle of the 4-20mA remote control system and plate circuit design of each component designing D/A converted to HART module circuit and printed circuit board with online electronic design app(website) LCEDA(lceda.cn) and then do simulation test. In addition, this thesis also introduces MAX1241 serial A/D chip, MAX538 D/A chip, CP2102, HART superimposing module and single-chip microcomputer principle and electrical properties.At last, I also find something need to improve. In the end the paper with multiplex device circuit schematic diagram and printed circuit diagram and program.

(Times New Roman,小四号)

Keywords: Single-chip Microcomputer; Multiplexed-Analyzer; HART Communication

(Times New Roman,小四号。关键词之间分号分隔;最后一个关键词后不打标点符号。)

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 II

第一章 引言 2

1.1概述 2

1.2 HART通讯的发展现状 2

1.3 本文的主要工作 2

第二章 工业现场HART通讯概述(一级标题三号宋体居中) 2

2.1 HART技术的概念(二级标题四号宋体加粗居左) 2

2.2 如何设计叠加了HART协议的4-20mA信号 2

2.2.1 数字信号叠加模拟信号的频率分类(三级标题小四号宋体居左) 2

2.2.2 HART协议的解调与分层数据 2

第二章 智能多通道分配器硬件电路设计 2

2.1系统总体设计方案 2

2.2数字与4-20mA转换模块设计 2

2.3 4-20mA叠加HART信号模块设计 2

2.3.1 HART协议信号产生电路设计 2

2.3.2主控部分电路设计 2

2.4串口信号转换电路设计 2

2.5印制线路板设计 2

第三章 智能多通道分配器系统软件设计 2

3.1系统软件总体结构 2

3.2系统子程序流程 2

3.2.1系统初始化子程序 2

3.2.2外部中断服务子程序 2

3.2.3定时器中断服务程序 2

3.2.4延时子程序 2

3.2.5 HART数据发送子程序 2

第四章 系统调试 2

4.1系统调试方案设计 2

4.2系统调试与结果 2

结语 2

参考文献 2

致谢 2

附录1:主控板电路图 2


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