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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2022-01-11 20:49:13  


摘 要





Three dimensional modeling and finite element analysis of heavy truck frame


With the rapid development of economy, the sales volume of heavy trucks which play an important role in infrastructure construction gradually increases, and the competition in heavy truck market is increasingly fierce. Under the premise of meeting the use function, the major manufacturers continue to pursue technological innovation to improve efficiency, which makes the traditional design method can not meet the needs of modern automobile design. In this context, the finite element technology has gradually developed. Compared with the traditional design calculation method, the finite element method has higher accuracy and comprehensive consideration, which is of great significance to improve the design level and reduce the cost.

The structure of heavy truck is very complex, and the frame is the base of the whole vehicle, most of the assembly is installed on the frame. In addition to installing and supporting various assemblies, the frame also needs to bear various complex loads, so it is necessary to design and analyze the frame.

In order to further study the frame of heavy truck and analyze its structure and safety, this paper takes a certain frame of heavy truck as a reference, establishes the three-dimensional model of the frame in CATIA, and then imports the geometric model into ANSYS for finite element analysis. According to the four working conditions of full load bending, torsion, emergency braking and sharp turning, the stress and deformation of the frame are analyzed to prepare for further design and development.

Key words: heavy truck frame, 3D modeling, finite element analysis, static analysis

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2课题研究的背景和意义 1

1.2.1 课题研究的背景 1

1.2.2 课题研究的意义 1

1.3车架有限元发展及研究现状 2

1.3.1国外的发展及研究现状 2

1.3.2 国内的发展及研究现状 2

1.4 本文的主要研究内容 2

第二章 重型卡车车架的总成设计 4

2.1 车架结构形式的选择 4

2.2 车架的主要参数设计 4

2.2.1 车架的纵梁设计 4

2.2.2 车架的宽度及横梁确定 5

2.2.3 车架纵梁与横梁间的联接方式 8

2.2.4 材料的选择 9

第三章 重卡车架三维建模 11

3.1 CATIA软件简介 11

3.2 车架三维模型的建立 11

3.2.1 车架零部件模型 11

3.2.2 车架装配模型 15

3.2.3 车架的爆炸图 15

第四章 车架的有限元建模 17

4.1 有限元基本理论 17

4.1.1 有限元法的特点 17

4.1.2有限元软件的选择 17

4.2 车架有限元建模的原则 18

4.3 重型货车整车的主要参数 18

4.4 有限元建模的步骤 19

4.5 材料添加与网格划分 19

4.5.1 材料的添加 19

4.5.2 网格的单元选择与质量控制 20

4.6 车架的有限元模型 21

第五章 车架有限元静力分析 23

5.1 概述 23

5.2 静载荷的施加 23

5.3 不同工况下车架有限元分析 24

5.3.1 满载弯曲工况 24

5.3.2 满载扭转工况 26

5.3.3 满载紧急制动工况 27

5.3.4 满载急转弯 29

第六章 总结与展望 31

6.1 总结 31

6.2 展望 31

参考文献 32

致谢 34


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