2022-01-09 21:49:09
摘 要
Energy is indispensable to social development and human progress. As traditional fossil use up completely,it become more and more important to research and develop clean and renewable resources. Biomass energy is a renewable energy source. Compared with traditional energy sources, biomass energy is more abundant on the earth. Gasification of biomass energy is a agile method to utilize biomass energy, but the tar produced in the gasification process will greatly affect the utilization efficiency of energy and may cause damage to equipment. This article is the method of Tar absorption was studied and the experimental analysis was carried out. Set the tar simulated objects absorb evaluation unit, selection of benzene and toluene as tar simulation objects, the represented by silicone oil absorbent of mass transfer performance test, mainly studies the absorbent functional groups, the absorbent viscosity and temperature effect on mass transfer process of absorption process. The experimental results show that the silicone oil has better absorption performance to the two simulants, and the absorption of tar can be improved by introducing amino and benzene rings. The mass transfer coefficient of the two tar simulators fluctuated between 0.008 and 0.015kmol/s/m3, which was a typical liquid film control. The saturated absorption capacity of methyl silicone oil is 0.428g/L. The introduction of amino group can increase the saturated absorption capacity of unit absorbent by 50% by emulsification, and the introduction of benzene ring can effectively utilize the similar phase dissolution mechanism of organic matter and increase the saturated absorption capacity of unit absorbent by 133%.Methyl silicone oil mainly changes the absorbent viscosity by changing the proportion of the polymer. The viscosity of the adsorbent increases and the mass transfer coefficient decreases, but the permeability time and saturation adsorption amount are proportional to the viscosity. Different adsorbents have different absorption and removal capacities. The operating parameters such as temperature and viscosity also have great influence on the adsorption and removal performance of tar. At the same time, the volume absorption coefficient of toluene changes linearly with the increase of viscosity, while the exponential property of benzene decreases, and the correlation curve is obtained by fitting. For benzene, the quantitative expression of the absorption effect of viscosity on the final volume is, For toluene, the quantitative expression of the effect of viscosity on the final volume absorption is . By calculating various costs and incomes, it can be concluded that the annual income of the purification system is 490,000 yuan, excluding the capital interest, and the cost will be recovered in about two years.
Keywords: Absorb; Tar; Removal; Mass transfer
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 绪论 1
1.2 焦油的危害 1
1.3 焦油脱除与传质研究方法 2
1.3.1物理法 2
1.3.2控制操作参数法 3
1.3.3热裂解法 4
1.3.4催化裂解法 5
1.4焦油吸收传质研究现状 5
1.5 现有脱除方法存在的问题 5
1.6 实验要解决的问题 6
1.7 本文主要研究内容 6
第二章 焦油脱除实验部分 7
2.1 实验原理 7
2.2 实验原料 7
2.3 实验仪器 8
2.4 实验步骤 9
2.5 分析方法 9
第三章 实验结果分析 10
3.1 吸收剂种类吸收性能分析 11
3.2 吸收剂粘度对结果的影响 13
3.3 吸收剂温度对结果的影响 14
第四章 经济性分析 16
4.1 设备投资成本 16
4.2 设备运行成本 17
4.3系统盈利分析 18
第五章 结论与展望 20
结论 20
展望 20
参考文献 22
致谢 25
第一章 绪论
1.1 绪论