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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2020-05-06 16:43:27  

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2. 参考文献

[1]任维丽, 郭建亭, 周继扬. 两相共晶nial-9mo合金的蠕变行为[j]. 金属学报, 2002, 38(9): 908-913. [2]涂善东. 高温结构完整性原理[m]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2003. [3]郭建亭, 张仕臻, 袁超, 等. 金属间化合物 nial 合金蠕变行为的研究[j]. 航空材料学报, 2003, 23(增补):34-40. [4]陈建钧, 史进, 涂善东, 等. bni-2/0cr18ni9钎焊接头高温蠕变行为的试验研究及数值模拟[j]. 焊接学报,2006, 27: 39-43. [5]张国栋, 周昌玉. 焊接接头残余应力及蠕变损伤的有限元模拟[j]. 金属学报2008, 44: 848-852. [6]王小威, 巩建鸣, 郭晓峰, 等. 超超临界发电厂中p92钢蠕变特性及断裂机制[j]. 南京工业大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 36(3): 32-38. [7]刘正东, 程世长, 唐广波, 等. 中国电站用钢技术现状和未来发展[j]. 钢铁, 2001, 46(3):1-5. [8]samuel e i, choudhary b, palaparti d r, et al. creep deformation and rupture behavior of p92 steel at 923k[j]. procedia engineering, 2013, 55: 64-69. [9] kim y-k, kim d, kim h-k, et al. an intermediate temperature creep model for ni-based superalloys[j]. international journal of plasticity, 2016, 79: 153-175. [10] b. dyson. use of cdm in materials modeling and component creep life prediction[j]. journal of pressure vessel technology, 2000, 122(3): 281#8211;296. [11] ion, j. c., barbosa a., ashby m. f., et al. 1986, npl report dma (a115) [12]y. f. yin, r. g. faulkner. continuum damage mechanics modelling based on simulations of microstructural evolution kinetics[j]. materials science and technology, 2005, 21: 1239. [13]k. sawada, h. kushima, k. kimura, m. tabuchi, ttp diagrams of z phase in 9#8211;12% cr heat-resistant steels[j]. isij international, 2006, 47: 733-739. [14] h.k. danielsen, j. hald. on the nucleation and dissolution process of z-phase cr (v, nb) n in martensitic 12% cr steels[j]. material science and engineering: a, 2009, 505: 169-177. [15]xiaofeng guo, yong jiang, jianming gong, et al. the influence of long-term thermal exposure on microstructural stabilization and mechanical properties in 9cr-0.5mo-1.8 w-vnb heat-resistant steel[j]. materials science and engineering: a, 2016, 672: 194 #8211; 202. 请同学根据以上文献,继续独立查阅文献并补充 起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 2018-12-15至 2018-12-21 认真地阅读本任务书,明确自己的学习任务,同时根据自己的任务,查阅中外文献。

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