2020-07-04 19:48:02
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
1.沙占友《智能传感器系统设计与应用》 2.陈明强《汽车检测技术》 3.雷霖《微机自动检测与系统设计》 4.杨晓江《纳米级位移测量技术综述》 5.杨立生.杨士中《微位移测量技术的分析》 6.赖麒文《8051单片机C语言开发环境实务与设计》 7.马云鹂《智能仪器中的误差处理》 8.傅晓程, 阮秉涛《12位A/D转换器ADS7812及应用》 9.William s,Jason L .,F isher III,John W .,W illsk y, Alan S .Sensor management for multiple target tracking with heterogeneous sensor models. Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion,and Target Recognition XV .2006 10.A Garcia-Arribas, J M Barandiaran, J Gutierrez. Com parative study of alternative circuit configurations for inductive sensors. Sensors and Actuators.2001 11.Ram on Pallas-A reny, John G .Webster. Sensors and Signal Conditioning.John sons.2001 12.Zhao. W .Q . Measures of Improving the Precision of A mplitude Modulation Measurement Circuit of Inductance Sensor. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument.2001 13.Libin Yao, M . Steyaert, W .Sansen. Fast Settling CMOS Two-Stage Operational Trans-conductance A mplifiers and Their Systematic Design.Proceeding of IEEE ISCAS .2002
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