2021-03-22 23:01:28
摘 要
Machine tool as a mechanical manufacturing equipment "machine", after a long period of development, technology has matured. The combination machine is a kind of general part based on the characteristics of standardization and serialization, and the machine tool with the special parts designed according to the specified process. The combination of the machine tool has succeeded in shortening the design and development cycle of the mechanical manufacturing equipment and adapting to the small variety Batch production requirements.
The main task of this graduation project is to design the drilling of the Deutz engine cylinder tappet hole processing requirements of the drilling and expansion of the combination of drilling machine drilling multi-axis box and the activities of drilling template. According to the processing technology requirements of the tappet hole and the structural characteristics of the cylinder block, the different types of cylinder blocks which need to be processed are machined and integrated so that the combined machine can meet the processing requirements of V4, V6, V8 and V12 cylinder. In this paper, the background and significance of the research are discussed, the processing scheme of the pole hole and the overall layout of the machine tool are analyzed. The tool guide is used to change the tool guide, and the drilling multi-axle box and the active drilling template are designed. And check the drilling of multi-axis box of the transmission.
In the machine tool design process, first according to the processing technology requirements and structural characteristics of the processing technology analysis, select the optimal processing program. And then the overall design of the machine, including the machine layout, drawing machine contact dimensions, select the amount of cutting tools and cutting, select the spindle and power components, design multi-axle box drive system, design drilling template, design machine work cycle. This paper focuses on the design of the drilling multi-axle box and the active drilling template, and draws the general drawing of the drawing and multi-axle box.
Key words: engine block, combination machine, drilling multi-axle box, activity drilling template, machining accuracy
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题的研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外组合机床发展现状 1
1.3 课题的研究的内容 2
第2章 发动机箱体挺杆孔加工工艺方案分析 4
2.1 制定工艺方案 4
2.1.1 生产纲领 4
2.1.2 工件结构特征及精度要求 4
2.1.3 定位夹紧方式 5
2.2 工艺方案的选择 5
2.3钻孔加工示意图 7
2.3.1刀具选择 7
2.3.2切削用量的计算 7
2.4 本章小结 8
第3章 钻孔多轴箱设计 10
3.1主轴、传动轴、齿轮的确定及动力计算 10
3.1.1主轴的形式和直径 10
3.1.2多轴箱所需动力计算 10
3.1.3多轴箱传动方案设计 11
3.1.4 传动轴的形式和直径 12
3.1.5钻孔多轴箱齿轮的选择 12
3.2传动比与主轴转速 13
3.3 多轴箱的坐标计算 13
3.3.1传动轴3的坐标计算 13
3.3.2主轴1和主轴2的坐标 13
3.3.3传动轴4坐标计算 13
3.3.4手柄轴5坐标计算 14
3.3.5油泵轴6坐标计算 14
3.4主轴和传动轴装配表 16
3.5 多轴箱总图 16
3.6 本章小结 17
第4章 活动钻模板的设计 18
4.1 活动钻模板总体设计 18
4.2 活动钻模板零部件设计 19
4.2.1固定式导套设计 19
4.2.2导杆设计 19
4.2.3支承元件和定位元件设计 20
4.2.4 弹簧的设计与选择 20
第5章 总结与展望 22
5.1 全文总结 22
5.2 展望 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24
第1章 绪论
国家第一个五年计划计划期间,长春第一汽车厂和洛阳拖拉机厂引进了组合机床,标志着中国机床行业领域进入新的时期。 1956年3月,中国第一家组合机床专业设计办事处成立于大连,全面引进前苏联机械零部件和设计指导材料。从此,中国已经进入了一个新的独立研发组合机床的阶段。同年,第一专业设计事务所和大连机床厂联合开发了第一台组合机床。然后在国家第二个五年计划中打造中国第一台组合机床自动生产线线。虽然中国机械设备制造业起步较晚,但随着国家政策,经济等方面的大力支持,以及行业引进外来关键技术,中国装备制造业蓬勃发展,组合机床领域努力赶超国外同行水平。进入21世纪后,中国机械工业迎来了新的机遇,也面临着诸多挑战。在全球经济趋向一体化的推动下,中国机械制造业已经从传统的生产模式开始向低成本和新产品的竞争方向发展。具有专用机床与万能机床的结合的优点,结构简单,精度高,通用性好,低成本高效率的组合机床更受企业和公司的青睐,成为提升企业竞争力为关键技术。