2021-05-13 23:43:10
摘 要
The graduation project is designed to complete the forging die of engine connecting rod. In the beginning of the design was first information access, understand the advantages of the current mainstream die mold developments and forging process, forging an irreplaceable role in the machine manufacturing industry, forging production efficiency is very high, a forging national level, it reflects the level of the country's machine building industry, and high overall performance forgings, with conservation of raw materials and machining work and other advantages. Then completed the work of analysis, design process for several, and finally selected the use of stretching, squeezing open roll, pre-forging, the final forging process. Design analysis of each step of the forging process, according to the size of the actual workpiece machining allowance calculation, die parts are within tolerance, forging slope, radius, hammer tonnage flash gutter size and so on. Then he conducted a final pre-forging and die boring design. Thus selected presses, and further obtain the overall size. Finally plotted prejudge (hot forging drawing), the final forging (cold forging drawing), connecting rod forging die diagram, trimming die view of the mold assembly drawings and parts of components.
Key Words:Hammer forging die; blocker; final forging
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 模具和模具工业 1
1.2 我国模具现状和发展前景 2
1.3 锻造加工的优势 2
第2章 连杆零件的分析 3
2.1 连杆功能和结构特点 3
2.2 零件图分析 3
第3章 锤上模锻 5
3.1 锤上模锻特点 5
3.2 锤上模锻方式 5
3.3 锤上锻模的工艺路线 6
第4章 连杆的锻模设计 7
4.1 锻件图的设计 7
4.1.1 分模面位置的确定 7
4.1.2 模锻件公差和余量 7
4.1.3 模锻斜度 10
4.1.4 圆角半径 11
4.1.5 冲孔连皮 11
4.1.6 锻件图的技术条件 11
4.2 绘制锻件图 12
4.2.1 锻件的主要参数 14
4.2.2 确定锤锻吨位 15
4.2.3 确定毛边槽形式和尺寸 16
4.3 确定终锻模镗 17
4.4 确定预锻模镗 18
4.5 绘制计算毛坯图 18
4.6 制坯工步选择 19
4.7 确定坯料尺寸 19
4.8 制坯工步模膛设计 22
4.8.1 拔长模膛设计 22
4.8.2 滚挤模膛设计 24
4.8.3 模膛的布排 25
4.8.4 错移力的平衡与锁扣的设计 26
4.8.5 钳口设计 26
4.8.6 模具强度设计 28
4.8.7 燕尾与键槽尺寸 29
4.8.8 连杆模锻工艺流程 29
4.9 连杆切边模设计 32
第5章 结论 36
参考文献 37
致谢 39
第1章 绪论
1.1 模具和模具工业
如今,模具工业在国民经济发展过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用,在其技术发展过程中看可分为五个阶段:手工操作阶段,手工机械化阶段,数字控制阶段,电脑控制和CAD/CAE信息和网络技术整合阶段。CAD/CAM技术随着信息技术的发展应运而生,但最早采用CAD/ CAM技术的行业是模具行业。