2021-05-25 21:29:52
摘 要
Attitude control means sample vacuum system is a newly developed vacuum power transmission device design, which uses metal bellows seals for the transfer of power to an external vacuum system inside the vacuum system, the vacuum system in order to achieve the purpose of the control sample posture.
The main contents of this paper is to design a mechanism motion (X straight, Y straight, straight Z and Z-axis rotation system) to the ultra-high vacuum system samples for precise control samples in vacuum gesture . In this paper, the control device characteristics and performance requirements based on a sample vacuum system attitude, advantages and disadvantages of different options discussion and analysis device, the selected sample vacuum system posture control means the overall program. Thereby determining each part type, structure and lubrication of the important position of key components of the proposed structure sets of design, cost and performance programs and then compare the final design stage to determine the structure of the various components, and it needs to be checked in accordance with checking the part itself, the table can ensure safe and efficient work.
The results show that in the design of such institutions, the dynamic vacuum seal design is particularly important. In a different dynamic sealing mode, choose the most suitable one, and strive to maximize the range of motion. In addition, a reasonable degree of gearing design is also crucial, not only to ensure efficient transmission, but also on the structure of lightweight design.
Through SolidWorks software for three-dimensional modeling agency, more clearly show the structural features of institutions. The model motion simulation and detailed demonstration of the principle agencies. By Ansys software key parts finite element analysis to test its structural design is reasonable.Thus, in a timely manner to optimize the design of the mechanism, so as to meet the design requirements.
Key Words:Vacuum;Dynamic seal;xyz table;Finite Element Analysis
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的目的 1
1.2 本课题的研究意义 1
1.3 研究目标、研究内容和拟解决的关键问题 2
1.4 拟采取的研究方法、技术路线 3
第2章 机构的总体方案和结构选型 4
2.1 机构的布局方案 4
2.2 动密封的选择 5
2.3 波纹管传动方案的选择 8
2.4 真空用橡胶密封圈 10
2.5 Z方向传动机构的选择 15
2.6 法兰的选择 27
2.7 本章小结 30
第3章 关键零部件的设计与计算 31
3.1 螺杆螺母的设计与计算 31
3.2 直线导轨的设计与计算 35
3.3 联轴器的选型 39
3.4 本章小结 40
第4章 机构的具体设计 42
4.1 xyz 工作台的设计 42
4.2 箱体结构的设计 45
4.3 动密封结构的设计 47
4.4 本章小结 52
第5章 有限元分析 53
5.1 建立模型 53
5.2 材料特性输入 53
5.3 施加载荷与约束 53
5.4 模型的网格划分 54
5.5 结果分析 54
总结 56
参考文献 57
致 谢 59
第1章 绪论
1.1 本课题的目的