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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2022-07-06 21:01:52  


摘 要




3. 利用UG参数化建模的方法,建立ZI蜗杆副的实体模型,加深对ZI蜗杆副的认识。


Accurate Modeling of Involute Worm Pair Based on UG Secondary Development


Worm drive is a simple way of transmission power of mechanical transmission, with strong carrying capacity,large transmission ratio,small volume, smooth operation, low noise and so on.Worm Drive has a very wide application in modern industry, ordinary cylindrical worm drive in the machine manufacturing industry is particularly common,on the other hand involute worm is a kind of ordinary cylinder worm gear The worm can be regarded as a helical cylindrical gear that teeth number equal to the worm heads with large helix angle,as the grinding process is good, so it’s easy to guarantee precision, high transmission efficiency, strong bearing capacity,But there are difficulties in worm accurate modeling techniques that are needed to be improved. The central content of this paper is the use of UG for involute worm pair accurate modeling and whether theoretical analysis based on the intensity of the specific conditions in the worm can meet the design requirements. The thesis involves mainly in several aspects of this worm drive as follow:

1. According to the gear meshing theory, the coordinate transformation between turning tool, worm andworm gear can deduce ZI worm meshing equation. Using MATLAB software with the derived equation, we can get the involute worm simulation contact line group and the worm axial section shape. So we can provide a theoretical basis for designing of the worm to improve contact performance .

2. Based on the strength of the undergraduate learning theory knowledge to intensity of worm pair,check whether the worm pair under certain condition is in line with requirement or not.

3. Using UG parameterized modeling method, the establishment of ZI worm pair of entity model,to deepen the understanding of ZI worm pair.

Keywords:Involute worm;UG;Parametric design;Strength check

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1.机械传动及其特点 1

1.2.蜗杆传动的分类及其特点 1

1.2.2蜗杆传动的分类及其特点 2

1.3研究历史与现状 4

1.4.课题研究的意义及价值 6

1.5.本章小结 6

第2章 ZI蜗杆传动的啮合分析 7

2.1渐开线蜗杆的螺旋面方程 7

2.1.1坐标系的建立与变换 7

2.1.2蜗杆的螺旋面方程 8

2.1.3车刀与蜗杆的相对速度 9

2.2啮合方程式和接触线方程式 11

2.2.1蜗杆副啮合时的坐标变换 11

2.2.2啮合方程式 14

2.3渐开线蜗杆求解实例 16

2.4本章小结 17

第3章 渐开线蜗杆传动承载能力计算 19

3.1蜗杆传动失效形式、设计准则及常用材料 19

3.2蜗杆传动的几何参数设计 19

3.2.1选择蜗杆传动类型及材料 20

3.2.2几何参数的选取 20

3.2.3蜗轮齿面接触强度和齿根弯曲疲劳强度校核 24

3.2.4绘制基本几何参数图 25

3.3蜗杆强度校核 25

3.4本章小结 28

第4章 渐开线蜗杆传动副的实体造型 29

4.1 UG简介 29

4.2参数化建模概述 29

4.3渐开线蜗轮的实体建模 29

4.4渐开线蜗杆的实体建模 31

4.5其他三维图的绘制 32

4.5.1导轨 33

4.5.2蜗杆支架 33

4.5.3蜗轮座与台面 34

4.5.4主轴 34

4.6本章小结 35

总结与展望 36

1论文总结 36

2全文展望 36

参考文献 37

致谢 39

第1章 绪论


1.1.1 带传动的特点



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